Internet connection issues after Windows Update

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64bit

    Internet connection issues after Windows Update

    Last night i was playing an online game when my computer unexpectedly shut down for Windows Updates. I didnt think much of it and restarted it and continued playing, but after about 5 minutes i started to receive very bad lag on my end, and i simply decided to shut down my computer and just worry about it tomorrow. Today i started my computer up and it refuses to connect to the internet. It finds the network and router but will not allow me to connect to the internet. I am currently on a laptop that is connected to the same network(wirelessly) and my desktop is hardwired to my router. I'm not sure what is causing this issue, and would greatly appreciate any help people could offer.

    I'm not sure if this issue has anything to do with the Windows Update or not but i cant seem to figure it out on my own.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 6,668
    Windows 7 x64

    First guess without any specific experience with your computer is that your av or firewall software is freaking out.
    Usually uninstall/reinstall will solve if that is the case.

    It's also possible some core system files were damaged when windows was updating.
    That's also easy to check though.
    SFC /SCANNOW Command - System File Checker
    ^just follow those instructions for that one.

    As always with connection issues.
    Turn off the computer.
    Unplug modem (remove battery if it has one)
    Unplug router.
    Do something else that takes about five minutes.
    Plug in the modem wait until it fully connects and cycles
    Plug in the router give it time to also fully set up.
    Reboot the computer.

    That specific order is the best way to get any junk settings cleared from all the connection related devices.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,730
    Windows 7 Ultimate SP1 64-Bit

    Welcome to Windows Seven Forums.

    First, try a system restore to a point before this update was downloaded.

    If that cures your problem you need to reconfigure Windows/Microsoft Updates so that they are not downloaded and installed automatically.

    Internet connection issues after Windows Update-wu.png
      My Computer


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