Simplest way to link 2 Routers Wirelessly??

  1. Posts : 730
    Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Windows XP Home SP3

    Simplest way to link 2 Routers Wirelessly??

    friends I'm having to write this because my old bridged network worked so well for so long that I totally forgot how I ever set it up in the first place, but I recall that it was simple and involved:
    - the two were connected via wifi - the primary one having a physical connection to roadrunner modem
    - the two had the same SSID, same Security method and passkey, different base IP addresses [, and]
    - beyond that it gets hazy... what "mode" was the secondary in? somewhere I input to the subordinate router the MAC address of the primary router... dunno where/which field accepted that
    - do both need to be set to a fixed & same channel, as opposed to variable/Auto?
    - what all was turned off on the secondary?
    - both had full use of both their wired connections/clients and wifi
    - one of these is N-300mbps, and g/b, the other is g/b. do I need to limit anything?

    its not necessarily important to me that the connected devices all share with one another - I have strange clients anyway and its not needed. the windows 7 devices will be ok on the homegroup.

    can someone help me out?
      My Computer

  2. 2xg
    Posts : 2,377
    Win7 & Win8 64bit


    I have answered your other Thread here, please read it first before you decide to do wireless bridging.

    I can give you some Tutorials links on How to setup a wireless bridge and another option is connect your second router to the existing one, here's an article for this.

    Hope this helps.
    Last edited by 2xg; 26 May 2012 at 01:25.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 730
    Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Windows XP Home SP3
    Thread Starter

    thank you 2xG! much obliged
      My Computer


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