Enter Network Password to access computers???
I created a vpn 'server' on a XP pro machine...I am using a Win 7 Home machine as the Client...I vpn in...goes thru perfect...I cant actually see the computer or get to it by name, I only can if it input the ip \\10.0.0.??? when I do this i get a Enter Network Password...I have tried the user/pass I created for a shared folder on the target machine...i have tried the admin user/pass on the target machine...i made my user/pass on my Win7 machine the exact same as the taget machine and nothing works.
whats jacked up is....I have a laptop with win7 on it and it works great...and another XP machine that goes thru perfect as well..
the Win7 machine in question I just did a complete factory restore on it and still same thing
i've triedtoo many things to list...from here google...everywhere...plz advise