Need help troubleshooting remote desktop host

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Need help troubleshooting remote desktop host

    Hi all, thanks for reading,

    Just for the record, I have successfully setup up many a Windows box with RD working just perfectly...but please assume I know nothing :)

    I built a new machine for a friend, and everything worked fine here at my home. I used RD to connect to the new machine often, rather than hook up a monitor, so I know it was working, at least within the same LAN. Now that the box is delivered and a city away, I cannot connect. Here is what I know...

    I configured Win7 to always pull so we are pointed to the correct box
    RD is enabled. assigned allowed users, allowed through Windows firewall, etc.
    I configured his router to forward port 3389 to the box
    I also tried making this machine the DMZ (no luck)

    I am able to access the router remotely, so of course the DNS pointer and IP are correct/working.

    I'm stumped...I can find his computer on the net, can access the router, have every permission set and enabled, but cannot connect.

    It has to be his router, no? It seems to be the only variable since I could RD into the machine when it was on my home LAN...

    Any and all help is welcomed with open arms! Thanks!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 2,501
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Just as a test, are you able to telnet to his IP/DNS from your home to port 3389? Does anything there answers?

    Apart from the Windows built-in firewall getting in the middle, the router may have its own messing with the connections, or maybe your friend installed another antivirus or firewall and that's blocking your connection.

    Maybe askking for a temporary Teamviewer connection to see if anything else was changed.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the reply. I get no response when I try to telnet into his machine on that port.

    Teamviewer, good idea! I'll have him install that and poke around myself.
      My Computer


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