Thanks I'll try that
The most likely reason for the dropped connection is that you are using the same channel as your neighbor.
John, you will want to go into your routers settings and change the channel to 11. You can change the DNS server to Google while you are there, try using and , it's just as easy to type the DNS servers into your routers setting for DNS.
After that give it some time and see if the connection is any better. :)
I changed the DNS settings, restarted my computer, but that didn't help, I still lost the connection after a few minutes, an I couldn't find any setting for changing the channel for the router.
The settings for changing the channel are there somewhere but the interface is different for every router.
It should be on the wireless set up page, channel overlap is the most likely cause of this problem.
In fact your connection looks very solid other than the obvious channel overlap problem.
I tried going through all the channels, none of them made a difference. I also noticed when I wa at a hotel over the weekend and using the Internet I was having the same problem.
The other more obvious problem that I see in your Xirrus read out is that you have two connections showing and one of them is open and not secured properly for some reason?
It looks like the same network with the same SSID, same channel but it's open instead of secured.
This open network invites hackers right into your network which is most likely part of the problem.
That's the guest account for my system, when i first set up the router it automatically created it and i couldn't figure out how to get rid of it untill a couple of days ago when I went into the router setup page to change the channels. I disabled it, and it shouldn't cause a security problem anymore. Whether or not that fixes the problem I'm having with my connection I'll have to wait a while and monitor it to see what happens.