Switch between access points

  1. Posts : 54
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1

    Switch between access points

    At my school we have a lot of access points, but sometimes the computer use the wrong access point. How can I solve that? Is there a program for switching access point?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8,870
    Windows 7 Ult, Windows 8.1 Pro,

    pstidsen said:
    At my school we have a lot of access points, but sometimes the computer use the wrong access point. How can I solve that? Is there a program for switching access point?
    Assuming you have the typed in the correct SSID, password and security for each access point, it would just be a matter of clicking on the wireless connection window at the lower right side of the screen and choosing the access point you need to connect too.

    You can access the wireless profiles for each connection by going to the Network and Sharing Center, then to the right choose "Manage Wireless Connections" you can edit the profiles for each access point there. :)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 54
    MS Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit SP1
    Thread Starter

    All the acces points have the same SSID.
      My Computer


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