internet access getting "switched"

  1. Posts : 3
    windows 7 home premium 64bit

    internet access getting "switched"

    this has been happening for a while now but i have finally got around to trying to find an answer, for some reason my router switches to another computer in my house slowing down the download speed thanks for future help.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 627
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    Firstly what router is this and is this WiFi or LAN connections. Do you use the second PC on that router at all normally
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3
    windows 7 home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    DirtRider said:
    Firstly what router is this and is this WiFi or LAN connections. Do you use the second PC on that router at all normally
    I use the tp-link wr340g+ i am using wi-fi but the computer it is getting redirected to is LAN, I don't normally use the computer at all but since my sister is visiting she is on it most of the day.
    Last edited by greatshooter; 30 Aug 2012 at 09:16. Reason: typo
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 627
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    Well if she is using it on the internet then yes it will slow down the speed. I am a bit confused here I must admit as you say she uses it all the time. Also if it has not been connected for some time is it not possible that it is now doing updates and thus slowing it down. You router should not be switching to the other computer at all but mealy sharing the connection
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3
    windows 7 home premium 64bit
    Thread Starter

    DirtRider said:
    Well if she is using it on the internet then yes it will slow down the speed. I am a bit confused here I must admit as you say she uses it all the time. Also if it has not been connected for some time is it not possible that it is now doing updates and thus slowing it down. You router should not be switching to the other computer at all but mealy sharing the connection
    true, i was wondering about this for a long time unless a program was put on it to gather more bandwidth to one computer by redirecting all laptops using wi-fi it happens on the other laptops in my house, but i don't think the computer that is taking it all is gonna last that long i have also noticed on how 3g of its ram is gone.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 627
    Windows 7 Pro 64 bit

    I would also look at doing a full virus scan on that PC to see if you have any type of infections that is maybe hijacking the bandwidth
      My Computer


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