Lost connection between Win7 laptop & Vista desktop (x64)

  1. Posts : 7
    windows 7

    Lost connection between Win7 laptop & Vista desktop (x64)

    I did set up a connection between my Win 7 x64 laptop & vista x64 desktop where I could access my desktop files from the laptop but no access to laptop from the desktop & I was ok with that. Suddenly a few days back, I lost the connection from the laptop & I don't have any clue to that. I've changed the network types between home & public but it didn't work. What should I do to restore the connection. Thanks!
      My Computer

  2. 2xg
    Posts : 2,377
    Win7 & Win8 64bit

    Hi there,

    Do you have a Workgroup setup? Can you please verify your current setup it is properly configured by following the Tutorial here?
    Sharing files and printers with different versions of Windows - Help & How-to - Microsoft Windows

    Also, what type of Security Software do you have installed on both computers, eg...Norton, McAfee, Webroot, etc...?
      My Computer


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