what's Win7 Limit on file transfer via X-ethernet ???
My setup is somewhat complex to explain it in full and it would take more then .... to explain....
In simple
1Gb link per computer with 2-3 computers form a switch
Win7 Pro / Ult /Home Pre
The question that i have what's limit on file transfer via ethernet from win to win
Cause i tried 1GB and it does, i tried 2GB and it closes connection(s)/drops it
2nd question does anyone know how to bypass it via REG or GPolicy or ? instead of joining AD for just a large file transfer and then disjoining it
when i do it with *inux for file @ 3GB-6GB it would pass trough the same switch no drops what so ever
same goes for W2k8R2 Domain machines
I have tried different ports as well as a switch
so my conclusion is "SO FAR" it's base on workgroup either one belong too or not, dictates files size transfer per 1 seating
So what is ???
how to bypass ???