How To do Persistent RDP/Remote Console on LAN?

  1. Posts : 730
    Windows XP Pro SP3, Windows 7 Pro 32-bit, Windows 7 Ultimate 64bit, Windows XP Home SP3

    How To do Persistent RDP/Remote Console on LAN?

    I'm looking for a good permanent/persistent RDP Remote Desktop setup to the Win7 machine I'm mostly using as HTPC and file service. It would be ideal if the setup also included the ability to wake the HTPC from sleep. I would like to RDP with Win7/8 'console', plus iPAD and Android handsets/tabs.

    What's the best application to use for this? the ones I know of offhand all require intervention on both ends, which is not what I'm after. I need more of a server type setup.

    What do you suggest?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 77
    Windows 7 & 8 64-bit, Mac OSX 10.8.2

    Have you looked at Teamviewer? If you install the full version (rather than just the "client" version) in the PC you need to access, you can configure it so that it can be accessed remotely from another PC with the full version installed. There are also Teamviewer Apps for both Apple iOS and Android.
      My Computer


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