[Q] Make Windows Connect to Specific Wifi Network After 60 seconds?

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 8 Pro

    [Q] Make Windows Connect to Specific Wifi Network After 60 seconds?

    I do a lot of wifi hotspot testing over Teamviewer. When the hotspot doesn't work I lose the Teamviewer connection. Is there any way to make Windows connect to a specific network after about 60 seconds or so?

    If I can choose the specific wifi network to make Windows to connect to after a set amount of time my life would be much easier!
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Welcome to the Seven Forums.

    So, there are two or more Wi-Fi SSIDs that you are authorized to connect to in the remote location?

    Others in the forum might have a better way to do this, but I would use AutoIt in a ping loop - if the ping fails - then double check - if ping still fails, use netsh to create a connection. Or use the info here or here.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 8 Pro
    Thread Starter

    Thanks for the response. I don't need to do any sort of pinging since the remote session will pick up again if the connection is successful. I made a simple batch using netsh that'll do the trick. If I get the connection I need I can just close the batch file before the pause finished. My batch script is posted below. The first ping line just pauses the script.

    ping -n 1 -w 10000 > nul
    netsh wlan connect ssid=NETWORKNAME name=NETWORKNAME
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 10,485
    W7 Pro SP1 64bit

    Yes - that batch file should work; however, it requires you to remember to launch it. As long as there is someone on the other end that can run it for you should you forget, then you don't need any more than that.

    I was thinking more along the lines of a script that automatically started once you connected via TeamViewer - but that might be overkill for your situation.
      My Computer


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