Internet Speed

  1. Posts : 1
    windows seven

    Internet Speed

    I recently transitioned from windows xp to windows seven. I like all the perks of windows seven with the sleek look and advanced security but my internet acts very strange. I have an 8meg internet connection and it ran fine on xp. After installing I can't even get 1meg down. sometimes I only get 500ish kbs and have trouble even loading pages. I know there is nothing wrong with my internet because surrounding friends have the same internet and they have no problems. Any help is greatly appreciated.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 436
    Windows 7 Build 7048 x64

    Try using Advanced System Care Pro by IObit, it has a built-in connection optimization that might set your system free. After optimization, restart and try to check your connection again. That should do the trick.Whatever that's slowing down your connection should be fixed by the optimization done by ASC.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,925
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    One way is to use resource monitor to see whats eating your bandwidth.

    Right click on the taskbar and select start task manager.
    Click on the performance tab and press the resource monitor button

    In resource monitor click on the network tab.

    Click on the rollup arrow to bring up the tcp connections window and you'll be able to see all the connections that are taking place along with the latency for some programs.

    Keep this open for a while and see what happens. You might find a load of connections appear for one particular program such as wermgr.exe. Let me know what happens.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 9
    windows 7

    same issue

    This is also happening to me, I have fios 10/2 and i will drop to speeds of 700kb/1.5k. I have to end some of the svchost proccesses in the task manager in order to fix it, and even then it takes a few minutes for windows explorer to refresh, re-enable and be good again.

    This also occured when I used remote desktop.. and utorrent.... its real quirky.. sometimes i reboot and it happen right away and some times i can surf the web for a while and it will just slow down.

    I read up on a streaming throttling issue, anyone heard of this?

    any help would be good. I really dont want to have to use XP again...
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 9
    windows 7


    Ok i did the system monitoring thing and it looks as if utorrent isnt shutting down, even after I kill it in the system processes menu in the task manager. Also regular exiting doesnt work....

      My Computer


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