Wireless performance home network
I have Comcast Cable and a Linskys router WRT54G (V4) upstairs in my home office: In summertime I move downstairs, where it is more comfortable. I have to move my desktop computer , monitor and printer downstairs. My router and cable modem has to remain upstairs, since the Comcast Cable is directed there. I do not have a Comcast cable near where my desk is downstairs. So downstairs I use the wireless option to get the signal from the router. I am looking to optimize on the signal to noise ratio from my router and also to have a way of assessing the performance by virtue of measuring the signal received. There is a series of vertical bars that you can see in Windows denoting the signal strength and this measure has looked excellent downstairs. Nevertheless after a couple of days I lost my signal downstairs so I had to move all the equipment upstairs again and reconnect to the Internet with an Ethernet cable again. So I am back upstairs now. With the Ethernet Cable disconnected in the wireless mode upstairs it looks OK, but the vertical bars were not any different from when I was downstairs.
I am looking to optimize the wireless signal and quality downstairs so suggestions are welcome,