I Need to Manage Remote Access Application on my Windows 7 Computers

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7 64 bit

    I Need to Manage Remote Access Application on my Windows 7 Computers

    I have a lot of users now using apps such as LogMeIn and TeamViewer. I would so love to be able to manage the application settings for these programs since they do allow entry way straight into our network. Be even better if I could just lock them down or hide them like I can hide the control panel and stuff with standard group policy. I am very nervous that these users are going to configure something in a non secure way. Any ideas?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,007
    Winndows 7 32 bit

    ShawnDavis said:
    I have a lot of users now using apps such as LogMeIn and TeamViewer. I would so love to be able to manage the application settings for these programs since they do allow entry way straight into our network. Be even better if I could just lock them down or hide them like I can hide the control panel and stuff with standard group policy. I am very nervous that these users are going to configure something in a non secure way. Any ideas?
    Hi ShawnDavis,

    Welcome to Seven forums.

    It seems to be that you are in a enterprise environment controlling host clients. There are many ways that you can control hosts using group policy.

    However, a simple way would be to not provide admin accounts to the users. These software primarily require admin access to be installed on the system. And, if you provide them with the standard users the might not be able to install them or use it if already installed.

    Kindly update your system specs here by following this.

    If you have any further queries, please feel free to contact us.
      My Computer


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