Should i check box for enabled for network address?

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  1. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    I'll have to think a bit on the inactive delete - it's a round-a-bout way if I recall.

    Don't sweat anything on the PC side for now.

    Thanks for the Artheros driver information. That's what I thought, but wanted to double check.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 637
    Microsoft Windows 7 Home Premium 64-bit 7601 Multiprocessor Free Service Pack 1
    Thread Starter

    Thanks so much Bill , you have been incredibly helpful and patient . Currently i am not getting the DNS messages anymore , don't know why but everything seems to be pretty good thanks to you.

    That being the case i think i will just use the PC for now and keep track of it and let you concentrate your efforts on others who need assistance.

    I will keep the driver and we can pick this up at a later date if something goes a little wacky or if i am having issues that are troublesome .

    You are a Godsend my friend and i appreciate your help and expertise more than you know .
    I will keep in touch and let you know how things develop .

    Thanks again
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 6,458
    x64 (6.3.9600) Win8.1 Pro & soon dual boot x64 (6.1.7601) Win7_SP1 HomePrem

    You're welcome Jonny.

    Good to hear that the DNS messages are no longer an issue - not sure exactly what changed that (ATMC review & new Cable modem perhaps).

    Sounds like a sound plan - hold on to the driver update until an issue requires a driver update.
    If an issue does crop up, post as much information as you can.

    You can short hand things, such as
    error code: 0x00000000
    error msg: Page could not be loaded
    event msg:The XYZ service failed to start

    a short explanation:
    IE 11 - I was trying to go to the ABC website ( and got the following error (code, msg...)
    I can (or cannot) go to other websites (,

    If members need more information, they will ask.

    My pleasure working through this issue with you.

      My Computer

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