IP Address Conflict
I've recently moved off to college and am now living in a dorm with shared internet connection. Every so often I'll get a windows error that states:
Windows has detected an IP Address conflict
Another computer on this network has the same IP address as this computer. Contact your network administrator for help resolving this issue. More details are available in the windows System log.
Once this error message pops up my internet goes down briefly until i simply close the message. I'm big into gaming so once this occurs I lose connection to my game, which could be devastating.
I've already tried ipconfig/release .. ipconfig/renew and the issue doesn't seem to be resolved.
Additional Info: I have no access to a router, or anything of the sort.
I'll try the local internet help if needed, but that requires me to unplug my entire computer and carry it a little ways down the road so they can figure out a solution.