can't access on any browser (except Tor)

  1. Posts : 1
    Windows 7

    can't access on any browser (except Tor)

    I'm seeing a blank page when I try to visit
    It's not working in Chrome, Firefox or IE, but it does work in Tor browser. I'm using a Windows 7 PC which is connected via Ethernet.
    I can view on my Windows 8 laptop which is connected via WiFi. this works using any browser on my laptop.
    on my PC, I can't sign-in to any Microsoft website or application.
    I open OneNote and it shows me the sign-in screen:
    I enter my Microsoft email address and click 'Next', then the log-in box goes completely blank:
    I tried flushing my DNS settings. my IPv4/6 properties are set to obtain an IP address automatically. In fiddler it says: "DNS Lookup for "" failed."
    no other websites are blocked, just Microsoft's log-in pages. the most annoying thing is that the Microsoft help forums require you to sign-in to your Microsoft account. can't get technical support over the phone because that is a paid service. any ideas?
    Last edited by SHODAN2114; 26 Jul 2016 at 14:51.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 26
    Windows 7 Home Premium x64

    my best guess is that it's being blocked for some reason, this happened to me before and I could never fix it, but I would try changing your IP address and see if that fixes it How do I change my IP address?
      My Computer


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