Unable to Connect to Hotspots

  1. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Starter

    Unable to Connect to Hotspots

    I can happily connect to HOME Wi-Fi Networks and the Internet but not PUBLIC Wi-Fi Networks.

    Network and Sharing Centre shows that I am connected to the PUBLIC Wi-Fi Network modem but it is not IDENTIFIED and therefore no INTERNET CONNECTION. My browser does not display the CONDITIONS for entry and their acceptance.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 708
    Windows 7 x64

    I am not sure about your country on public network.

    Give you an example, in Singapore.
    The gov have the plan to link nation wide using fibre network.
    All at the same time, there are many hotspot using Wifi as connection.
    Almost all shopping mall and inlcuding MRT have its won wifi for shopper and staff.
    Anyone can login and get a username, and log in without much problem
    Beside shopping malls own wifi and any other location, mostly support by ISP and other provider.
    So everyone will be able to use, as no charges involved, and what more is no need to use mobile data.
    Now we added to some phones having a feature, there is no need on username & password.

    Back to your case. And putting HOME wifi aside.
    As i mentioned, there is a need to know the some setting to enable to connect.
    Hence you may have ask around.
    As i am not sure how your country &or location setup is.

    This is nothing to do with PC or Windows OS and it is just a wifi connection.
    So you need to find out who to talk to on how to do the setup.
    But sometimes, you may not be able to access, depend on Terms & Conditions.

    INTERNET CONNECTION is not wifi and nothing to do with.
    This is more or less on ISP mobile data.
    Setting up to various location may have a big problem.

    But in Singapore, we are can say about 90% fully in place, for 4G on 300Mbps, in most population on the location itself.

    Hence this is your country policy and ISP support.
    There is nothing can be done, under; like Singapore full worldwide at about 90% exclude remote area.

    You just cannot connect with the necessary info.

    Also, there are "personal hotspot" which you mentioned as Pubic Wifi.
    That is using either a mobile modem &or handphone to set a personal hotspot.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 2
    Windows 7 Starter
    Thread Starter

    Hi Eric,

    We live on the Sunshine Coast Queensland Australia.

    My problem started a year ago (no doubt after an update) and mainly relates to International Airports' free internet.

    As it happens, Singapore airport has been the worse example. I cannot even log onto its server.

    All other airports where I have problems I can log onto the free server but there is no internet connection with the error message "Unidentified network".

    I can log on with my smart phone but not with the netbook??!!

    Logging onto "home" networks overseas is not a problem.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 708
    Windows 7 x64

    Yes i know, our airport internet connection is no better.
    As almost everyone do have phones & laptop, which use the free wifi provided, and what more it make it as permanently connected.
    Singapore airport do have free use of computers for direct link, for internet purpose.
    As this is location inside the airport for those who are waiting to fly.

    Unidentified network, now i remember.
    When the router staff supply me 2 router on same model DLink DIR-868L, for wireless autozoning trial.
    I did asked him a question.
    "Not to be identify my SSID."
    He said; sure it is possible.
    But he added, i must manually login to my SSID, and cannot be done in auto connect.
    Also he added, my SSID will not be seen by anyone.

    So, this could mean those on "Unidentified network" have the setting Not to broadcast the SSID.

    Hope this answer the meaning on "Unidentified network" that you have been notice.

    The person marked his SSID as not to broadcast.
      My Computer


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