Fast Internet but NO download Speed (new build) no ipv6 connectivity

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  1. Posts : 8
    windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit
    Thread Starter

    I got the updated driver files from my laptop whixh has perfect dowbload speed and trasncered via usb.

    I've done a fresh install of win7 on my SSD. I started downloading updates which started fast but slowed down pretty quickly. I scanned for viruses and found none.
    I checked my event log after trying to download and found this;
    "Event 8003, browser
    The master browser has received a server announcement from computer BEN-LPT ((my laptop)) that believes that it is the master browser for the domain on transport Net_Tcpip_{0C0A4162-4C3F-BFEC-378E0E27A927C}. The master browser is stopping or an election is being forced.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 8
    windows 7 Home Premium x64 bit
    Thread Starter

    Im getting the error 4001 wlan auto config despite turning off 'allow computer to turn off this device'

    Im also getting error 10002 wlan auto-config. Not sure why

    I get both of these errors upon booting.

    Did some research on both these errors. Seems they were common when Win7 just released. So it might be because I haven't been able to download SP1 or anything later. But obviously I can't can't get rid of bugs by updating when the bugs are causing connection problems.

    Do you guys reckon I get a later Windows OS instead? I'm a little pressed for time as i'm currently studying at uni and it's put my studies on hold.
    Last edited by benbeaumont; 30 Oct 2016 at 15:46.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,228
    W7 home premium 32bit/W7HP 64bit/w10 tp insider ring

    Hi Ben,
    quick test remove comp from domain. Any joy

    if not lets get hold of an 7SP1, run this first copy/paste output.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 3,925
    win 8 32 bit

    If you could use another pc to do some downloads you can use to create a install dvd with sp1 and updates so its all done at install
      My Computer

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