Is there a work-around for a Proxy IP?

  1. Posts : 246
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Is there a work-around for a Proxy IP?

    Recently, I have had a problem using some web sites like U.S. Phonebook. There it says "Access Denied". I tried another caller ID site and I received a message that I am using a proxy IP. To use their site I need to use a "regular" internet connection. I have no idea what these are or the difference.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 3,912
    win 8 32 bit

    Normally you connect and get a local ip from you country you can use a proxy server which can be anywhere in the world and connect with that it shows you ip from that country often used to get content you can normally get. If you are using a browser check its settings that its not using proxy as some browser have it built in as a n option
      My Computer


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