Preventing Access TO Unsecured Wireless Networks
Hi all,
Nutshell version: Anybody know of any 3rd party software available that would make it impossible for the legal minors occasionally in my care to tap into my neighbours' unsecured wireless networks, either purposely or accidentally?
Thanks in advance for any and all practical solutions that do NOT involve unsolicited lectures to/at me on my caregiving style, since it is NOT the issue.
(Such answers will be reported to forum moderators as abuse anyway.)
Backstory: I see many discussions here and elsewhere about limited/no connectivity to networks, via wireless and otherwise. My question is a little bit different - in fact is of the opposite nature.
I also see many discussions about parental control software packages (including the one built into Windows 7) that attach time limits to computer access and/or that deny access to various software/settings. Even though as the Administrator I disabled all abilities for ordinary users of my notebook to have any choices/effect on anything offered up (as a choice) to do with "WLAN", I see that ordinary users without admin rights can still log onto others' unprotected wireless networks if mine is down.
I found an extensive discussion on this topic here (,13566512) that is now FIVE years old but have not found, despite intensive searching, any 3rd party software that can be applied (as other stealth and/or parental control software would) to make access to unsecured neighbouring wireless networks impossible to achieve.
Googling the topic shows that I am not alone in this quest, and that it is hardly a new problem either. I am VERY surprised - astounded actually - that no router manufacturer or parental control (or other security) vendor has yet to come up with anything... unless of course I am mistaken.