Wishmaster said:
While this may be slightly off topic, I watched an interested show the other day about the advancement of computer technology.

Apparently, according to the documentary, they are advancing so fast they must start looking for alternative means of creating CPUs.

Such as CPUs being based on organic technology, rather than silicon.
According to the show, silcon is getting to the point there simply isnt much more room for advancement.
The physical limitations (in this case, simply space on the chips) to put millions and millions of transistors is running out. They are looking at alternatives, but those are somewhat far off. They already know that the silicon melts when it is spread too thin and a current is run through.

In fact, they discuss it in a show about Jan Hendrik Schon that I watched.

See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sch%C3%B6n_scandal