The Sandy Bridge Review: The New Intel CPUs

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  1. Posts : 4,280
    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit / XP Home sp3

    More on the Sandy Bridge from intel not to have DX11 capability. Users will have to wait for ivy Bridge for DX11 NewsFactor Network
    However a slight mention of AMD being slightly ahead of Intel with their Fusion chip with DX11.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,684
    Windows 10 Pro

    With all the guesswork going on now, who knows what the truth is???

    I'm not sure what to think about the DX11 thing though. Since the graphics portion isn't the most powerful, ok, I could almost see why no DX11. On the other hand thought, that's pretty crippling considering these chips will be around for at least a few years and a lot of new games will be DX11 titles so....

    Again, what the real truth here....
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 4,663
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit

    I predict AMD will will win that war, with their Fusion chip. That won't phase Intel, they'll reply in time.
    It could be curtains for Nvidia though. People simply won't need low or mid range GPU cards anymore.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Considering even higher end dedicated GPUS can take quite a hit when utilising full DX11 features, it's not surprising that its not included.

    Particularly considering Intel's previous less than stellar integrated video performance offerings in the past.

    All the IGP is really, is a 'all in one package' designed to provide pretty much the bare minimum necessity for HD video playback / monitor connections. Gaming performance was never it's intended primary usage.

    Whether or not this decision actually hurts intel, will be reflected more in notebook market sales, rather than the desktop.

    If it does perform 'adequately enough' though, even despite the lack of DX11 features - it will indeed hurt nvidias low-mid range market as mentioned by JW. A lot of models will be made redundant.

    n other words, Intel appears to be saying, the technology is designed to protect the transmission of the content rather than managing the content once it has arrived.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 4,280
    Windows 7 ultimate 64 bit / XP Home sp3

    johnwillyums said:
    I predict AMD will will win that war, with their Fusion chip. That won't phase Intel, they'll reply in time.
    It could be curtains for Nvidia though. People simply won't need low or mid range GPU cards anymore.
    I was looking at the stock closings yesterday and the gains were in order Apple, Nvidia , AMD then Intel. So Nvidia right now is holding it's own but your right we'll see what happens when these chips come out.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,322
    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    pebbly said:
    johnwillyums said:
    Here's a review from a UK mag and some UK prices. Don't look bad but you would have to get a new mobo.

    Intel Sandy Bridge review | Processors | Reviews | PC Pro
    The price is very good , but I think the inbuilt DRM will put a few people off
    Intel Insider isn't DRM. It's more like HDCP.
      My Computer

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