How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta 1 on Friday

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  1. Posts : 65
    Windows 7 7000; Windows XP Pro SP3

    Can't download lol too many people i guess, also Is there a set date when it will be realeased to everyone, a non beta final sort of thing? Since i dont want to have to switch back to xp in august lol

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 22
    Windows 7 Build 7000

    By August, there will most likely be a beta 2 or RC, so you won't have to reinstall XP, you can reinstall 7!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 69
    Windows 7 Ultimate Steve Ballmer Sig. Edition

    Has anyone had any luck yet? I've been trying on both the 32 & 64 pages on two computers with 8 tabs each....for an hour! All I want is a key!!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 44
    Windows 7 x64 & Ubuntu 9.04 x64

    all i want is a key, too. for x64 bit. if i can't get one then well... I'll still be running windows 7, but i'd love to be able to submit bugs etc (i am a Linux user after all, it's par the course)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 501
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64

    All i can say is
    Couldn't Microsoft predict this was gonna happen?
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails How to Get Your Windows 7 Beta 1 on Friday-microsoft-technetserveroverload.jpg  
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 7

    i m ok for reinstall but first i need this key and it s already 5hours i try without luck grrr
    any idea thxxx
      My Computer

  7.    #746

    gavinsdaddy1912 said:
    lol i got 8 for 32 and 8 for 64...i have patience...would just be nice to get a winner
    I think you should stop. You have enough keys. 16 keys @ 3 installs per key is 48 computers. Do you own 48 computers that NEED to be activated for use longer than 120 days with this beta OS? I think you are greedy and should share keys with people that could not get one.

    limneos said:
    Composer, I fixed you up...check you pm.
    :P Composer got sent a key via PM last night!

    badger said:
    By August, there will most likely be a beta 2 or RC, so you won't have to reinstall XP, you can reinstall 7!
    Nah, there will not be a beta2. By August, we should have the final.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 119
    Windows 7 Ultimate / Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.4

    16 keys ? Wow why so many ?
    I got 1 for 32 and 1 for 64 , I only used the one for 64bit and gave the other away here on the forum .

    You should do the right thing and spread them to people who waited and tried to get 1 .
    Please spread the wealth , you'll feel glad that you did .

    Thanks .
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 21
    Windows 7

    I didn't mean that I have 8 keys for each. I meant that I had 8 tabs for each side to reload to try to get one key. I still haven't recieved a single key yet. I'm not greedy. I plan on stopping after I get one key.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 119
    Windows 7 Ultimate / Snow Leopard OS X 10.6.4

    gavinsdaddy1912 said:
    I didn't mean that I have 8 keys for each. I meant that I had 8 tabs for each side to reload to try to get one key. I still haven't recieved a single key yet. I'm not greedy. I plan on stopping after I get one key.

    My appologies then , for misunderstanding .
      My Computer

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