MS Office sales STILL surging

    MS Office sales STILL surging

    Posted: 10 May 2011
    Hi all
    In spite of tablets etc and the "fragmentation" of the PC market people are overtly pessimistic about MS's long term growth.

    I think a little read of this should put the matter back into perspective again.

    Of course Markets are never static and the whole system of computing and mobile communications has changed radically since the early days when MS was a relatively fledgling company that had just launched (jointly with IBM actually - however incredible that seems today) Windows 3.0.

    IBM's OS/2 shared a lot of common code with Windows -- a bust up later caused the two companies to go their separate ways .

    Anyway Office sales surging ahead

    BBC News - Microsoft profits jump 31% on strong Office sales

    jimbo45's Avatar Posted By: jimbo45
    10 May 2011

  1. Posts : 82
    Windows Home premium 64bit

    I used to MS office but after I tried open office I knew that was what i was going to use. I honesty have not tried 2010 mean edit lol opps tough. What turned me of is the price.
    Last edited by zEric7x; 10 May 2011 at 23:55.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I've never purchased MS Office for personal use. I either get it from work on my work laptop, or use Open Office.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 402
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    I don't see Microsoft's reign on technology dimming in the future. Their business model will lead them to be successful in later years. It's still pretty awesome that Windows 7 is the fastest selling system in history, I wonder why?

    It's also pretty great that 2010 is selling at a rapid rate as well considering the differences in 2010 and 2007 arn't exactly large. I personally enjoy and love using Office 2010, it's pretty, realiable, and multi-featured. I'd buy it again any day compared to Open Office, bleh!

    On a side note, I FRICKIN LOVE POWERPOINT 2010!!! You can make a visual orgy with that stuff!! OMG!!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Coke Robot said:
    I'd buy it again any day compared to Open Office, bleh!
    Well, that's all that matters. I think that MS Office 2010 is a solid system, but I default to Open Office because when i look at Microsoft Office Home and Student 2010 and I see that it costs $149, I just feel that I cannot get $149 worth of use out of it compared to Open Office. These days, I need that extra $149 to put gas into cars or food on the table. $149 just buys a lot of other stuff.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 194
    Windows 10 x64

    Well, the whole Linux desktop thing did not turn out so well.
      My Computer


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