Office 15 M2 Build 15.0.2703.1000 Leaked and Available for Download

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    Office 15 M2 Build 15.0.2703.1000 Leaked and Available for Download

    Posted: 26 May 2011
    Following no less than three leaks of Windows 8, the first bits of Office 15, Office 2010's successor, have also been leaked in the wild.

    Downloads are currently available to users who know where to look on various warez distribution websites.

    At the time of this article I hadn’t come across the Office 15 leak on any additional illegal sources of software downloads, such as torrent trackers.

    Still, with Office 15 having leaked, it’s only a matter of time before the bits will also be posted on the world’s most popular torrent sites allowing virtually anyone with a BitTorrent client to grab them.

    The leaked release of the next major iteration of Office 15 is Build 15.0.2703.1000, which belongs to the Milestone 2 (M2) stage of the development process.

    Office 15 M2 is currently being dogfooded inside Microsoft, but it appears that one Build somehow made its way outside of the company.

    There will be testers rushing to jump the gun when it comes down to taking Office 15 out for a spin, undoubtedly.

    Early adopters should not expect all that much from Office 15 M2, especially at this phase of the development process.

    Just as it is the case with Windows 8, which continues to resemble Windows 7 quite close, Office 15 too is similar to Office 2010.

    Still, users will already be able to witness first-hand the evolution of the productivity suite. Microsoft has worked to revamp the graphical user interface with Metro-inspired UI elements, to overhaul some functionality, introduce new features, and even an entirely new component.

    Previous Office 15 leaks, which were largely limited to just details and screenshots revealed that the software giant had built a new application into the platform, currently dubbed Moorea.

    The Redmond company has yet to confirm any sort of details on Office 15, Moorea or Windows 8 for that matter.
    Source: Office 15 M2 Build 15.0.2703.1000 Leaked and Available for Download - Softpedia
    Crispy's Avatar Posted By: Crispy
    26 May 2011

  1. Posts : 116
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 / Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64

    I am not intrested in it.

    Microsoft Office 2003 is better than any new version of office. Most of the office and home users use MS Office 2003.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 351
    Windows 7 x64 (RTM via MSDN)

    Ravi5kumar said:
    Microsoft Office 2003 is better than any new version of office. Most of the office and home users use MS Office 2003.
    Maybe where you live, but around here, Office 2010 is very popular. My company just moved to 2010 in February and the ribbon is a huge hit. I was worried about the die-hard power users, especially our word processors, who generally hate change, but suprisingly, they much prefer the ribbon to the old menus.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,800
    Windows 7 Pro x64 SP1

    Ravi5kumar said:
    Microsoft Office 2003 is better than any new version of office. Most of the office and home users use MS Office 2003.

    I agree that MS Office 2003 is one the better ones. I use Office 2010 but I do revert to word and excel 2003 on my other machines.
    A non-profit that I volunteer at uses it pretty extensively. Easier to teach unskilled users how to use word and outlook.

      My Computer

  4. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    PhreePhly said:
    Maybe where you live, but around here, Office 2010 is very popular. My company just moved to 2010 in February and the ribbon is a huge hit.
    The ribbon interface was in Office 2007, with the exception of MS Outlook. The Ribbon interface is new to Outlook in Office 2010.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 116
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64 SP1 / Ubuntu 12.04.3 x64

    PhreePhly said:
    Ravi5kumar said:
    Microsoft Office 2003 is better than any new version of office. Most of the office and home users use MS Office 2003.
    Maybe where you live, but around here, Office 2010 is very popular. My company just moved to 2010 in February and the ribbon is a huge hit. I was worried about the die-hard power users, especially our word processors, who generally hate change, but surprisingly, they much prefer the ribbon to the old menus.

    Me also use MS Office 2010 because of its ribbon UI. But I have seen in many Internet cafes uses office 2003 and the most horrible thing is that they use the decent Windows XP.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 2,177
    Windows 8.1 Pro x64

    I'd like to see this put it on the Windows 8 build

    It took a little time to get used to the ribbon, mainly in Excel but i stuck with it and got used to it and love it now (using 2007).

    I stuck with it as i didn't want to be running on 2003 and getting stuck in the past :) but obviously, work with what you feel comfy with
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 351
    Windows 7 x64 (RTM via MSDN)

    pparks1 said:
    PhreePhly said:
    Maybe where you live, but around here, Office 2010 is very popular. My company just moved to 2010 in February and the ribbon is a huge hit.
    The ribbon interface was in Office 2007, with the exception of MS Outlook. The Ribbon interface is new to Outlook in Office 2010.
    Yea, I know, we skipped 2007. We went from 2003 directly to 2010. I had been testing 2007, and I was already worried about the ribbon then. I liked it, but knew about our typical user's resistance to change. Things took too long and we went to 2010 instead.

    The ribbon has been a huge hit, suprisingly.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 7,878
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Yeah, I'm not really into the ribbon myself. I've found the menu system to be more to my liking. I find I usually end up hunting around longer with the ribbon. But hey, i'm also the one who prefers a smartphone with a physical keyboard over a touchscreen, and I don't own a single Apple Product, and I think Tablets are way too overpriced and more or less useless.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 5,941
    Linux CENTOS 7 / various Windows OS'es and servers

    Ravi5kumar said:
    Microsoft Office 2003 is better than any new version of office. Most of the office and home users use MS Office 2003.

    Hi there
    that's what I thought until I got used to Offce 2010 which apart from one or two quirks is better in almost every way.

    Like all these things it really depends on a) what you DO with the software, and b) How much it costs you.

    If all you do is write a few standard Word documents or basic spreadsheets then it really doesn't matter WHICH version you use -- you could probably use the first Windows version which was called Word for Windows running on Windows 3.11 and still find it OK.

    If you do things like dynamic web queries, XML processing, dynamic Pivot tables, team collaboration, and dynamic charting to say nothing of using VBA macros in these applications then you will definitely appreciate Office 2010 (or even 2007 ).

    Office 2003 was a good release but sometimes one needs to move on -- rather like people clinging on to XP when they have no good reason to do so -- although there ARE plenty of valid reasons for running XP as a virtual machine.

      My Computer

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