I already signed up, since I'm still a student for another semester, but I did have a couple of questions. Still waiting for the payment to process.
1) A few pages back someone mentioned that the key could only be activated once and that you can't reinstall with it, is that true?
2) Is it an OEM version, or full, or a special version provided by them?
3) Will the key expire in a year when the subscription is up? I'm not sure how it'd work but I thought I'd ask anyway.
I'm an US citizen currently studying in South Korea and have a credit card form South Korea. How should I proceed in joining?
Welcome guys! :)
I started this thread as an alternative for students who can't get Windows 7 direct from MSDNAA because their school doesn't have the subscription, same as my wife's college.
If your school is on MSDNA list you can get Windows 7 PRO for free because the subscription is paid by your school.
Hi masterB, since we are in the same boat(College not on MSDNA list), how do you make of these FAQs?
Welcome ACM Student Members to MSDN AA
Q: Can I install my software on two computers at once?
A: Yes, as long as you are the owner of both computers and both are being used for instructional purposes. NOTE: If you require another key for a product you must contact the PA (program administrator) at your school. Your PA's contact email information can be found in the support page. Click on the Support button above. Also, friends, family and colleagues not currently enrolled in a course that is part of an MSDNAA department are not allowed to access or use the software available from this website. (For examples of appropriate usage see: Content not found)
Q: I have a new computer now, how can I re-install my software?
A: You are allowed to install the software more than once based at the discretion of the program administrator and the software distribution method chosen (i.e. Download, Cd Check Out). Note: if you purchase a Mail Order product (CD media sales method of distribution) you will need to go through the Microsoft Customer Care Center for support: 1-800- 936-5700 in North America/ World Wide 1-800-249-8314. If you have further questions, please contact the PA (Program Administrator) at your school. Your PA's contact email information can be found in the support page. To view this information, please click on the Support button above.