Does a law student (not taking computer courses) qualify for student membership?
Does a law student (not taking computer courses) qualify for student membership?
Can you do this if you're a student in the UK or do you have to be from the US?
Am I to understand that getting the ACM membership and opting in for the MSDN-AA account won't work unless you're an IT student? I'm an advertising major, does that mean I paid 19 bucks for nothing?
Also, what's up with the wait for the login info? It's been over 24 hours and I've yet to receive anything.
The benifits of being an engineering major keep paying off. I got an email from my college a few weeks ago about the program. I now have win7 x64 on my laptop and win7 x86 on my desktop and it was all FREE. And i can get other microsoft programs for free too. I told my friend about it but he's a buisness major and didnt qualify.
ACM is going to Verify your Authenticity as a Student.
Today i recieved an email from ACM asking to submit my Uni. ID and my faculty Incharge before September 25th if I need to get access to MS, Sun ........
Mail Said
It is important for ACM to verify that the individuals taking advantage of the ACM Student Academic Initiative are indeed students
P.S : who is a Student Advisor ? Im not familiar with the word, Is it the Department Head (i mean the person who is in charge of my Faculty) ?
edit. ^ found him