Windows 7 Pro $19 for students
Hello everyone.
I am an engineering student, signed up on, made my web account, opted in for MSDN AA and then this morning (less than 2 days since I signed up on I got approved and logged in to the MSDN AA website. I was so glad when I saw I could download Windows 7. However, when I logged in again this afternoon to start a download of Win7 I saw all the other software on the list EXCEPT Windows 7, seemed that they removed it. Then I saw this thread.
There is no way to describe my disappointment, as I really do NOT have $299 to buy Windows 7 Professional. Thanks to everyone who committed fraud.
Hello everyone.
I am an engineering student, signed up on, made my web account, opted in for MSDN AA and then this morning (less than 2 days since I signed up on I got approved and logged in to the MSDN AA website. I was so glad when I saw I could download Windows 7. However, when I logged in again this afternoon to start a download of Win7 I saw all the other software on the list EXCEPT Windows 7, seemed that they removed it. Then I saw this thread.
There is no way to describe my disappointment, as I really do NOT have $299 to buy Windows 7 Professional. Thanks to everyone who committed fraud.
When I read posts like this, it makes me wish I could line up everyone who lied their way into the ACM program and pimp slap some moral conscience into them...
There is no way to describe my disappointment, as I really do NOT have $299 to buy Windows 7 Professional. Thanks to everyone who committed fraud.
Contact your school's ACM Program Coordinator.
Well you can thank a few more while your at it, some got Win 7 in four languages and got 8 keys, my question is WHY??? one is all you need.
1-up, that's why.
I have four keys already from various legal sources. I wouldn't mind finding more, if you know anyplace near Provo where I can get them, let me know!
Well you can thank a few more while your at it, some got Win 7 in four languages and got 8 keys, my question is WHY??? one is all you need.
How do you know if 1 key is all someone needs
A LOT of us have more than 1 computer for ourselves, A LOT of us change motherboards often and A LOT of us will install Windows 7 on family members computers.
Well you can thank a few more while your at it, some got Win 7 in four languages and got 8 keys, my question is WHY??? one is all you need.
How do you know if 1 key is all someone needs
A LOT of us have more than 1 computer for ourselves, A LOT of us change motherboards often and A LOT of us will install Windows 7 on family members computers.
A Lot of you are outta luck!!
A LOT of us have more than 1 computer for ourselves, A LOT of us change motherboards often and A LOT of us will install Windows 7 on family members computers.
This statement is completely out of line. It reveals either a flaw in reason or character - certainly a flaw in judgement.
How do you know if 1 key is all someone needs
A LOT of us have more than 1 computer for ourselves, A LOT of us change motherboards often and A LOT of us will install Windows 7 on family members computers.
And here in lies a massive part of the whole problem. Programs like this do NOT allow you to use this software, obtained through this program, to "install Windows 7 on family members computers". Think again about why this removal happened in the first place. It was because the program was being abused.
I mean seriously, I work in a shop where we have volume license copies of the software and MAK keys (multiple activation keys). But that does not in any way shape or form give me the right to install it on 1 of my own personal computers at my house let alone a family members computer. You gotta pay attention to the rules and do things as they are intended or it's taken away.
How do you know if 1 key is all someone needs
A LOT of us have more than 1 computer for ourselves, A LOT of us change motherboards often and A LOT of us will install Windows 7 on family members computers.
And here in lies a massive part of the whole problem. Programs like this do NOT allow you to use this software, obtained through this program, to "install Windows 7 on family members computers". Think again about why this removal happened in the first place. It was because the program was being abused.
I mean seriously, I work in a shop where we have volume license copies of the software and MAK keys (multiple activation keys). But that does not in any way shape or form give me the right to install it on 1 of my own personal computers at my house let alone a family members computer. You gotta pay attention to the rules and do things as they are intended or it's taken away.
+1 Well said!! Too many people have too little, and or no, sense of what is ethical and right....