Windows 7 Preview

    Windows 7 Preview

    Posted: 29 Oct 2008
    Shall We Pretend Vista Never Happened?

    Is Windows 7 a major or minor release? Microsoft emphatically claims that Windows 7 is indeed a major release and that we shouldn't be confused by the version number (6.1), the fact that the underlying core of the OS hasn't changed a whit since Windows Vista, and that the basic look and feel of the system is unchanged as well. Instead, they claim, the many usability changes they've implemented in Windows 7 prove that this new OS is indeed a major release.

    Read more at the source.

    Later Ted
    Bare Foot Kid's Avatar Posted By: Bare Foot Kid
    29 Oct 2008

  1. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit

    True. W7 is a major release, in the same way as Xp was a major release after Millenium and Vista after XP. People hated Millenium, but I know a guy who still uses it?? Go figure
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    NormCameron said:
    People hated Millenium, but I know a guy who still uses it?? Go figure
    Really? Does he have a copy? I missed out on using ME
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit

    smarteyeball said:
    Really? Does he have a copy? I missed out on using ME

    The boy's not well. I guess he does! He wouldn't part with it though. Where would he get another one. And, he doesn't need to worry about bad patches or updates, or anything much. From memory it's on a floppy.
      My Computer


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