I've tried using both 1 an 2 flash drives with capacities of 4GB and 16GB. I can't tell any difference at all (but, then, I've got 12GB of RAM to begin with).
Last edited by Azural; 12 Apr 2009 at 16:20.
yeah I saw somewhere that it might be implemented in rc1.
Build 7077 allowed me to use the free 12GB on my SD card, although I'm only using 4GB.
I am having problems with readyboost. I will enable the 2GB flash drive. It has enough speed. Everything runs fine for a while. Then it says there is not enough space to use it because there is a READYBOOST file on the stick? I have to format it and enable it again. I am going crazy trying to figure out what to do. It keeps quitting. Has anyone else seen this?
Vista Readyboost was not a vanilla for those with Ram 512+...they meant it to use for boosting system with low spec...any idea for win7?