Yeah, yours most be early paleolithic. That's where we are moving to.
That's throwing the baby out with the bathwater and would be very dangerous. Uninstall (if you have already installed them) KB2990214, KB3035583, and KB2952664, then hide them when they show up again. The other updates, so far are pretty much safe. To avoid getting stuck with any further problem updates, set Windows Updates to only notify you of pending updates and don't download them for about a week until you are sure there are no problems (I wait until Saturday morning before downloading and installing).
Actually the top 4 are for win-7,
The forth was released 3/10/15 the first I suppose sniffer :)
Thanks Mike,
I looked around, but MS is so secretive its difficult to tell how many are out there and for which version.
No problem that post actually reminded me of that forth update being released
I just removed it a day or so ago myself