It is not helpful to advise users to turn off Windows Updates or even set to Notify. I'll explain why I believe this more than ever now:
Because of a misguided decision to not issue a SP2 for the most popular OS in history, Win7 is so heavily patched that even lacking a single Optional Update can cause a major program, OS function or piece of hardware to not function correctly. The only way to be sure that you have the total, completely patched OS is to accept all Windows Updates (except Bing).
Since we mainly see problems with Windows Updates here, it can distort our view to believe that they are erroring and bricking installs all over the place. But this really only affects about one out of every million Updates so it is likely that most consumers will never experience a problem with Updates. I keep about a hundred installs up for friends and family and have never had Updates themselves cause issues.
Granted, those posting in this thread are savvy enough to know how to deselect Updates they don't need or want, but beware descriptions which don't explain in enough detail what all is fixed or patched by it. Some Updates that are needed are mistakenly queued under Optional, as are drivers Win7 wants as the first driver-complete OS.
It doesn't help assure users after we had TP build 9876 brick hard drives after a Power Up in Sleep switch was affected. I lost two drives to this, one of which was only recently repaired after months of effort. TP can also be buggy enough to affect it's continuous use causing me to reinstall Win7 recently, although I'm back to using TP now for a total of 5 out of 6 months.
So let's deal with these issues in a calm and level-headed manner befitting the stature of these forums, so that when the TP Builders review threads like this they find them useful instead of sensational.
Last edited by gregrocker; 21 Apr 2015 at 13:40.