Microsoft silently preparing your PC for Win 10

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  1. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    My W8.1 and W10 run on the same VMware Player. That's what I compared.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 246
    Windows 7 Home Premium 64 bit SP1

    I just read a PCWorld article that claims that W10 will be a continuous series of weekly or biweekly build releases after the official release date, like Office. W10 is to be a free upgrade for W7, W8, & W8.1 users for the first year. After that, a subscription is required for future "builds". I guess I wasn't paying attention before, so if this is old news, I apologize.

    Windows forever: Windows 10 builds will continue even after Microsoft ships it | PCWorld
    Last edited by jamis; 30 Apr 2015 at 19:18. Reason: syntaxt
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  3. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    I think PC World is speculation. MS has not yet announced what is going to happen after W10 RTM and what the pricing scheme is going to be. But I would not be amazed if they did in fact come up with a yearly fee for the updates. That would give them a steady cash flow.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 4,161
    Windows 7 Pro-x64

    Sounds like he's confusing the Technical Preview releases (now called Insider Preview) with a production release scheme. Sounds crazy to me and too much like Linux with it's daily updates. That would definitely be a deal breaker to me. Who has time to download a 4GB ISO every few days?
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  5. Posts : 1,167
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    carwiz said:
    Sounds like he's confusing the Technical Preview releases (now called Insider Preview) with a production release scheme. Sounds crazy to me and too much like Linux with it's daily updates. That would definitely be a deal breaker to me. Who has time to download a 4GB ISO every few days?


    Linux updates are not 4 gb every day unless you are doing beta testing for the next release. In fact, I always wait about a week to update my Linux partition. The size of the updates very. Most days no updates, the maximum update I have seen is 300 megabytes but most run under 80 megabytes or lower.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 4,053
    W7 Ultimate SP1, LM19.2 MATE, W10 Home 1703, W10 Pro 1703 VM, #All 64 bit

    groze said:
    carwiz said:
    Sounds like he's confusing the Technical Preview releases (now called Insider Preview) with a production release scheme. Sounds crazy to me and too much like Linux with it's daily updates. That would definitely be a deal breaker to me. Who has time to download a 4GB ISO every few days?

    Linux updates are not 4 gb every day unless you are doing beta testing for the next release. In fact, I always wait about a week to update my Linux partition. The size of the updates very. Most days no updates, the maximum update I have seen is 300 megabytes but most run under 80 megabytes or lower.
    I think carwiz meant if the W10 Release version updates were like the current W10TP updates.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,167
    W10 32 bit, XUbuntu 18.xx 64 bit

    lehnerus2000 said:
    groze said:
    carwiz said:
    Sounds like he's confusing the Technical Preview releases (now called Insider Preview) with a production release scheme. Sounds crazy to me and too much like Linux with it's daily updates. That would definitely be a deal breaker to me. Who has time to download a 4GB ISO every few days?

    Linux updates are not 4 gb every day unless you are doing beta testing for the next release. In fact, I always wait about a week to update my Linux partition. The size of the updates very. Most days no updates, the maximum update I have seen is 300 megabytes but most run under 80 megabytes or lower.
    I think carwiz meant if the W10 Release version updates were like the current W10TP updates.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 73
    Windows 7 Home Premium 32 Bit

    Does anyone else think WX is just a mockup of the real show stopper down the road? They know full well, enterprise will continue to be on W7 (just like XP) until end of extended support. They know full well there are countless "hardcore" W7 users who will refuse to upgrade. Hence, they're giving away WX free now b/c it's just a protype/they're testing the water. WX looks ugly as hell b/c it's just that, a transitionary OS in the likes of W95, where XP was the killer deal a few years later.

    The real "Windows One" will come in 2020 after they've studied the market a little more?!?!
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 20,583
    Win-7-Pro64bit 7-H-Prem-64bit

    I wouldn't go as far as ugly but isn't as pretty as 7 is out of the box,
    Once you get rid of all the unneeded apps it's just another touch screen created os
    Issue is if you really don't need a touch friendly interface when your not interested in it or not using a touch compatible display :/

    Windows knows this but installs an interface anyway which M$ will not develop a real alternative to that which is really just throwing desktops to the third party wolves because it's focused on selling cell phone and surface's which would need a touch interface.

    So yes it's another win-8-8.1 expansion with little to offer mouse users in the name of change,
    Start menu is another start screen which was better in 8.1 than in win-10
    So I see 10 as a net gain of zero personally
    8.1 and start8 is just as good if not better than 10 and start10 except for another for start10

    Although free classic shell is looking like the go to for more edits,
    Problem is the re-installing of either after every 10 update possibly ???
    Is 10 worth the squeeze for the juice even if it's free ?
    Jury still out for me not for a while yet to worry about it.
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  10. whs
    Posts : 26,210
    Vista, Windows7, Mint Mate, Zorin, Windows 8

    Towards the end of the year it will be interesting to see what the millions of desktop users that fell for the free upgrade will say. My guess would be that we will get a lot of requests on how to get back to W7. The W8.1 users may have less problems.
      My Computer

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