W10 takes a bite out of W7
Yes we all appreciate that privilege :)
About all I could do is roll back out of the anniversary build and state why on the feedback option.
That was a nice message I posted on it
Of course the other machine I did go back to 8.1 as the option was available on that machine.
Hell the board will probably fire soon anyway so it's no biggie there.
Everyone is entitled to an opinion
Indeed, but everyone should also be entitled to choice, and it's the increasing trend towards their removal of choice that is behind the fall in Microsoft's reputation.
I can't imagine people who have paid good money for Pro Retail licences are happy about the removal of group policies.
In the case of the free upgrade, my philosophy is "you get what you pay for", in this case zero! But paying for Retail licences and then removing choices/options won't go down well in the long run. Although, it depends to what extent and how far MS takes it. The more they remove, the more they'll annoy their users. So far, it's been only a small removal of choices, but I've already seen some annoyed comments from users who have paid for licences.
We'll have to see what decisions MS takes in future.
Yea 10 is not exactly free it does absorb a qualifying os which cost about the same as buying 10
I did do a sort of half pay upgrading from 10 home to 10 pro so Micro.. did get 100.us out of the deal and I just go at a couple non functioning group policy settings and probably more to come.
Corana and Onedrive options could also be on the chopping block seeing they are really important as the silly lock screen. :)
In all previous upgrade options you would have to purchase an upgrade pack and you would then still lose the existing OS - or you could pay significantly more for a full installation pack if you wanted to retain your previous (likely outdated OS) so I cannot see the Win 10 upgrade offer as anything other than free.
Of course the vast majority of windows users never upgrade - they just buy a new device
Yea 10 is not exactly free it does absorb a qualifying os
What I mean is, users who chose to take the free upgrade knew they were giving up their original OS, that's their choice, they chose to give that up. But what did people really expect from a free upgrade? Personally, I wasn't expecting anything from the free upgrade, and that's partly the reason I chose not to upgrade any of my licences. I never expect the earth from anything that's advertised as free these days. You take a product which usually has a cost attached to it, make it free, then often you're the product. Sounds cynical, but often true nowadays.
Not a fan of upgrade licences myself, unless for budgetary reasons, then I see the benefit. I'd rather keep my original OS licence. Even though they won't last forever, I can still use them, even if just in VM's. Take the upgrade and you've given up that right.
Now, as for paying for expensive licences and then taking away features, that I definitely would not be happy about, and I can see why some people are annoyed. Let's just hope MS doesn't take it too far. I haven't chosen to buy any 10 licences yet, and so far, I don't regret it.
I can see MS taking away more group policies and options in future builds. Let's hope I'm proven wrong as I don't think it will do MS any favours. I'm not one of these doom and gloom mongers who wants MS to go under, but I do think there are some decisions they need to rethink at the moment. They've done reversals on a few silly decisions lately, sometimes it feels like they're seeing how far they can push people.
A lot of people are very happy with Windows 10 and good for them I say, as long as it fulfills their needs and they get what they need out of the product, then I'm all for that. For my day to day needs and what I use Windows for, I have no need to upgrade just yet. Upgrading just for the sake of having the latest and greatest isn't something that interests me. I've just been offered a brand new swanky upgrade on my 2 year old phone and I've chosen not to take it as my current phone does what I need it to do. I'm big into tech, but I don't feel the need to upgrade all my devices every 6 months.
Can I breathe now??
I'm in a position where it's in my financial interest to have access to the latest OS so I can help clients, an operating system is a tool to perform a job, nothing more or less. At the moment the sharpest tool available is Windows 10 so I choose to use it - I have access to a lot of previous Operating systems, they run in a VM if I need them to assist a client, the same as you may pick up a particular screwdriver to to perform a particular task, but everyone has a favourite that they use where possible
Yep that is another reason to have 8.1 around :)
Which was another reminder 8.1 and 10 are not all that different in quite a few ways.
At the moment the sharpest tool available is Windows 10 so I choose to use it
Completely agree Barman, you pick the right tool needed for the job, and in your case 10 is the right tool.
I don't have a strong dislike for any versions of Windows. But, I haven't jumped on any release (except 7) early on. At the time, I enjoyed using 95, then 98. 2000 was a fantastic OS. I loved XP but didn't start using it until after SP2 was released. I found Vista to be a solid OS but I didn't jump on that until after SP1. 7 was the only MS OS I actually pre-ordered, that was because I enjoyed what I saw in the beta. It's always been rock solid for me. I've even grown to enjoy 8.1 after some updates and some tweaks here and there.
At the moment there is a lot of features in 10 that I probably would never even touch, that doesn't mean I'm completely opposed to it in future though.
Notice I missed out Windows ME there... Meh!
I see it as the start of removing items for really no good reason
Once they start removing items I doubt they will stop.
They started removing features from Windows at Windows XP (Active Desktop and Terminal services cut compared to Win2000). Later they removed features in each consecutive Windows release, adding much less.
In Vista they removed possibility to move toolbars in file manager, option for 32px icon size, made some dialogs looking wrong under Classic theme, removed network indicator. In Win7 they removed classic mode friom start menu and a lot of other things. They continue to move in this direction.