1) Click on the
New Thread button to post a new news article.
2) The news article must be tech and/or Windows 7 related without any spam.
3) If the news article is from another website, then it cannot be copied completely here. That would be considered
plagiarism. Instead it will need to presented in a teaser format with the same title, usually only the first paragraph of the article within quotes, and the link to that website's article included in your post as a "
Read more at....(link)" at the bottom.
4) Only post questions or comments about a news article in that news article's thread. Posting a question as a new thread in the News forum is not allowed. That is what the other
forums are for.
5) You must be in the
Member (
badge) usergroup or above to be able to start a new thread in the news section.
6) Before posting, try doing a keyword or visual search for the article, or same subject. Chances are that it's already been posted.
Thank you for your contribution,
The Seven Forums team :)