Google Chrome support ends for Windows 7 and 8.1 in early 2023

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  1. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    What a bunch of BS. Windows 8.1 support ends next year FFS. I feel like there's real shenanigans here with the privacy invasion and how EVERYTHING and everybody wants you to absolutely use 10.

    Yes, things need to move on and things become outdated, I know. Believe me, I know as a computer/tech guru. But just look at how 8.1 won't even be supported anymore. Really? In the web Dev industry it be like cPanel pulling the plug on a perfectly good running server OS way before its support ends.

    Then I know damn well Google search results are skewed all to hell for Windows 10. Let me explain. When Windows 10 first hit the scenes I started seeing in quick order NOTHING but computer search results in line with Windows 10. Where was just a week before I'd see results for Windows 7. For example, if I were to type in something like: How do I edit Windows with bcdedit? The relevant articles that would show up would have images from Window 7 and be more applicable with Windows 7. And those articles today still exist. But now if you type those search terms in you'll probably see articles more in line with Windows 10 and its images relating to Windows 10 screenshots. It was true right when Windows 10 was first released. I saw the search results and was taken aback just how fast all of the search results changed in short order. That doesn't happen unless you alter search code in the servers. And chimps (humans) can do that. Google is a company and can do what ever the hell they want...

    Instead, pick your own search engine instance or roll your own with SearX. SearXNG and searx instances Just know that list is anyone's. So it'd be best to head on over to a hoster like everybody's favorite YouTube Promo Linode and create your own SearX server instance. There are written and video tutorials. You have no excuse. Searx - Wikipedia

    Google, Microsoft et al are running the show (well, they think so). They have all the money in the world and now want control. Once upon a time the words in the media were "million dollar companies, and million dollar budgets, and million dollar spending bills in Congress. Now the lexicon of today is full of words like, "billions and trillions." "A trillion dollar company." "He's worth a billion dollars." So rich they all are they can fly into space. LOL! Yes, kiss my rump money is nice of course, but the whole nature of these companies, their whole ecosystem is built upon BS. I see it in the code and the marketing (Comcast is a marketing extraordinaire...). Once upon a time Capitalism (an inherit double edged sword) was about making money. Not only for the benefit of you but for everyone else. Now it's about control.

    A lot of website's are now requiring Firefox, Chrome or it's Chromium derivatives. Now a lot of websites that use Google's third-party code crap (think Google Web Components) want you to login with your Google account. eBay is now one such website and I saw another website not too long ago offer the same thing. This is new code they all added withen the last week or so to allow you login with your precious little Google account. That's Google code deployed on that website. That's what happens. This ability to login with one account (think Google, Facebook or what ever) is called OAuth and it's rife with bullshit! Not only from a security standpoint, but from a privacy standpoint as well. I for one never use that lazy ass crap of a one use password with OAuth spread across all websites that I have signed up with. It's like swearing allegiance to the freaking mafia while burning a picture of a saint FFS. I use the free and open source Keepass password manager and I roll my own damn 2FA (OTP second factor Auth.) with the KeePassOTP plug-in for Keepass. Screw Twilio's (shit company) Authy and all the rest! It's just a Base32 code anyone can use. It doesn't require a third party. For Android I use Keepass2Android as my password manager and its 2FA ability as well. I also use the Aegis 2FA App for redundancy. It may be a bit of work, but not for this computer literate person who knows what's going on. You can even flash Google's Android BS right off your phone with LineageOS or some other third party variant. Heck, your TV could theoretically be flashed with LineageOS.

    I'm going to go out on a limb and say this much. One day you won't even be able to take a damn crap without Microsoft, Google et al analyzing your DNA right from the toilet and sending the results to your doctor. All will marvel at its "futuristic and healthy lifestyle potential" yet still depend on the three sea shells...

    The future of the smart speaker. (This movie predicted the iPad/Tablet)... Check out Mycroft...

    Anyway, this message will probably self-destruct like John Mcafee. But the block chain and the IPFS are as persistent as a Pepperidge Farm cookie...
    Last edited by file3456; 05 Nov 2022 at 03:39.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 116
    win7 Pro SP1 x86

    Of course. The microcephalic coprophages at Micro$oft, Gargle, and Farcebook live in dire fear that someone somewhere may do something online that they cannot monitor.

    I would love a piece of software that could intercept all this tracking and return a simple message - "NONE OF YOUR 'effing' BUSINESS!" (I cannot even block a number on my idiotphone without getting a popup, "google needs to access your caller list" ...hell no it doesn't.)
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Phone number blocking is futile. Unless you know all the area codes and prefix assigned to VoIP companies... There is an API to do that, I I use it. LOL Not all VoIP carriers are bad though, so you have to know what you're doing. I can write at least four paragraphs on what to do on annoying calls. But to be concise, block everyone accept contacts, then all others go to voice mail. Never open a text you know is BS. They'll get a read receipt. Just block using Google's option and delete. Never call back a BS phone number, EVER. Now they have free reign to keep calling. Get an FCC account and report one after another. I did... My email addresses hardly ever gets spam, neither does my phone, I kid you not. Mostly because I CONTROL who gets my number. And I certainly don't text some stupid crap like, "text EXAMPLE to 112233" like you see with politics, the bAmerican Idol TV show and all that crap. BTW, American Idol/ America's Got Talent is a corporate money grab. I've seen better talent in America's neon lit bars! Read the story on Jewel Kilcher as an example.

    Anyway, I just want to clarify something. I thought 8.1 support ended in 2024. It literally ends next year in January. LOL
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 890
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    Some years ago now, I needed a Chrome-based browser for a critical website and being Google-averse I chose Brave. With the latest version I get a bar I have to clear-away that says "won't be able to update on this W7 PC". I tried to find an older download of Brave to install, so I wouldn't see that "pop-up", but was not successful.

    So are you guys here saying that ANY browser that is Chrome-based will have these problems? That the "won't update anymore" thing is in the underlying engine?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 116
    win7 Pro SP1 x86

    I ran Brave in Vista and Win7 and had no issues with updating. I dumped it because it was too much of a "nanny" browser, completely blocking sites I knew were safe because they didn't meet its draconian security requirements, and not giving me any option to override its decisions (short of using command line switches, which it then complains about). And its built-in script blocker is an all-or-nothing affair with no provision to selectively block as with NoScript.

    I was a long time proponent of Firefox, I no longer like it or endorse it ...but I still use it. Because as poor as it is I deem it preferable to the alternatives. The impending DuckDuckGo browser is promising, but I have reservations since they caved to Micro$oft trackers in order to use MS search algorithms.

    It is doubtful, in the US at least, we will ever see true privacy and security online.
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 890
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    Well I need a Chromium-based browser, if only for aperiodic use. So maybe I keep Brave but only use it once in a while.

    Unless someone here knows another Chromium browser that will work well with W7.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 116
    win7 Pro SP1 x86

    Well, Edge, Opera, and Vivaldi are all Chrome based; maybe you'd like one of those.

    Many sites offer independent assessments, such as 10 Best Fastest & Lightest Browsers for Windows 7
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 890
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    Maybe exposing my ignorance here, but if every Chromium browser is dependent upon underlying Chromium code, then maybe all such browsers will have the same problem?

    I suppose I could try Edge, or Vivaldi and see for myself. Seems I tried Opera once and didn't like it.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    You can try what I use as one of my browsers which is UnGoogled Chromium. I currently don't see anything written about Windows 7 compatibility except needing Window 10 to build if you want to build from source. I even checked Github with some "Google Dork" on possible Windows 7 incompatibility and found nothing.

    To download a Windows binary go to the right and click "Releases."

    - - - Updated - - -

    Note: This is my "Chrome" for privacy and testing things with my website or what ever. I never add anything to it. No extensions or themes, etc. Doing that and the privacy gig is up. But yeah, it'll be pretty damn plain vanilla without extensions. But that's okay because UnGoogled Chromium is not my everyday driver for a browser. And yes, there isn't Google once so ever in this browser. I ran a network sniffer to make sure while using it. I also let it sit open and watched the network interface for Google Internet connections and anything else.

    You might also be interested in Librewolf.

    - - - Updated - - -

    List of web browsers - Wikipedia

    Comparison of web browsers - Wikipedia

    According to Wikipedia submissions, there are 44 Windows-based browsers. One of which is Windows Mobile.

    =Alternative non-mainstream browsers listed at Wikipedia with Windows support and not discontinued as of this post.=

    The asterisked marked browsers I can vouch for. The others you'll need to research (thoroughly) as they can steal your privacy or other shenanigans. Check ALL downloads at VirusTotal. General consensus is four hits and you toss.

    Dillo (Stupid name if I saw any)...

    Dooble (another stupid name LOL)


    GNU IceCat (Pronounced Gunnoe. Like Canoe) *

    K-Meleon *

    Konqueror *





    Maxthon *



    Pale Moon *




    SeaMonkey *


    SRWare Iron



    Waterfox *


    Yandex Browser

    So that makes 25 right now. 19 of which are discontinued.
    Last edited by file3456; 05 Dec 2022 at 02:51.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 890
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit

    F22 Simpilot said:
    You can try what I use...
    Thank you. It seems there is no easy answer so I will do my homework.
      My Computer

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