Google Chrome support ends for Windows 7 and 8.1 in early 2023

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  1. Posts : 214
    Windows 7 Pro 64-bit

    Not only Google Chrome, but also Google drive,

    Google drive is warning that my old computer will not be supported.... 😂
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 0
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    siliconbeaver said:
    Not only Google Chrome, but also Google drive,

    Google drive is warning that my old computer will not be supported.... ��

    Willing to learn? I can show you how to use Amazon S3 storge with WinSCP and auto backup with a batch file and Task Scheduler. Then I can show you how to make Ghirardelli chocolate chip cookies. LOL!

    Seriously, S3 is super cheap, it's pay as you go. I pay around ~$2.90 right now for around 35 GB I have there. And since it's nothing but push and not so much pull you won't be charged that much. I can do this with WinSCP and BunnyCDN as well. They're pricing is a little asinine if you ask me. Cheap, but stupid.

    Amazon S3 Simple Storage Service Pricing - Amazon Web Services

    AWS Pricing Calculator

    - - - Updated - - -

    I might do a write up on my website one day here soon.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 14
    windows 7

    How about offering paid support and upgrades for windows 7 users. Why does chrome want to be the one that forces us to upgrade from a stable system that never breaks down.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 50
    Windows 7 Professional SP1 64 bit

    At least we have Firefox (until 2024) and Mypal. There's also a Windows 7 extended kernel like there is with Windows Vista.

    (an extended kernel tricks the OS into thinking its a later build; ex. vista extended kernal turns its 6.0 NT build into 6.1 and changes the OS build from 6002 to 7601, which makes modern firefox and stuff work on it)
      My Computers

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