The Fight is on:- Windows 7 or Vista SP2?

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  1. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    I will buy W7 on final release. Normally I would wait until the release of SP1 before buying any MS product, but there are several enhancments that for me are 'just what the doctor ordered'. The Libraries are a big hit with me. Shawn has done several tutorials on Libraries if your looking for info. In the past few days I've only booted into Vista to 'check something out'. W7 is working great for me.

      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,289

    How pathetic that article was...Counting threads is NOT proof its Vista R2, I can write 5-10-50 applications and functions that use the same thread for preforming functions, It is not by far a reliable way of reading anything other than CPU usage

    Randall is Bogus. Uses Psuedo Science and and false logic.

    The only people that can compare the amount of changes within Windows is Microsoft, How can you just take the look of a few numbers and the Areo interface and call Windows 7 Vista...Thats the most pathetic excuse of say Windows 7 is VistaRC2 I heve ever heard and I hope people grab their pitchforks and torches and kills his pathetic lies

    How can anyone compare an Alpha prebeta OS to one thats been released to manufacturing...the PDC build is Milestone 3, you cant expect many (if any) changes at all this early in the release cycle...

    Just another example of Lies about a product by an idiot, He takes a popular belief about Windows 7 then attempts to back up with fiction and presents some poor facts he oviously doesnt understand anything about and skews them in a narrow mided view to try convince everyone its the truth

    Heres a video about just some changes within Windows 7, If you listen to everything he talks about you will hear about how they had to change I quote "hundreds of Core architecture functions" for the many new improvements and features with Windows 7 from Memory to drivers and more....

    Mark Russinovich: Inside Windows 7 | Going Deep | Channel 9

    x3haloed said:
    If you consider Windows 7 to be Windows Vista R2, then Windows XP is just Windows 2000 R2.
    Exactly, If 7 was really just a few minor GUI tweaks Microsoft wouldn't waste billions developing Windows 7 and just skip to Windows 8 and release it as a service pack

    Looks can and are deceiving, ANYONE that believes Windows 7 is just Vista with a new look will only prove how little they know about Windows and how narrow minded they are and anyone with even the remotest bit of knowledge knows that the article was a collection of complete and utter bogus.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 748
    Vista and now 7 in 32 and 64 bit.

    Here is a fairer "pro" comparison. As you will see, at this stage the boot up (lot of emphasis on that for some reason) is not so much faster, but even that slight improvement is an indication that MS are working hard to produce something worthwhile. As I understand it, boot times are only a small, insignificant part of the overall package.
    Windows Startup Showdown: Windows 7, Vista, and XP Bootup Benchmarks Updated
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,402
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    Windows 7 on a pre beta is already better than any other o/s i have tried so as far as I am concerned the proof is in the pudding and nothing is going to dissuade me.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,141
    Vista Ult 64 bit Seven Ult RTM x64

    echrada said:
    Windows 7 on a pre beta is already better than any other o/s i have tried so as far as I am concerned the proof is in the pudding and nothing is going to dissuade me.
    I agree. I also believe that anyone upgrading from XP or earlier is going to have some of the same issues going to 7 as they would have had going to Vista. Vista is a leap and leaps involve a learning curve. W7 is built on Vista and the learning curve is not going to go away. I learned many of those new things in Vista and that has made W7 much easier to use.

      My Computer

  6. Posts : 89
    windows 7077

    I have run xp and vista in many guises and flavours the service packs made the two systems work far better then prior.
    I dont know if windows 7 is a vista clone -the way vista should have been ?
    Do know I like it and would buy it if I could afford to
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 4,925
    Windows 7 Professional 64-bit

    Windows 7 is what vista should have been were Vista not rushed. But I feel with service packs that you are just fixing an existing product already whereas with 7 its a new design philosophy where they have listened to the users and clearly thought about the product.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 5
    Windows 7 7077

    The new kernel tells the tale.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 289
    Windows 7 7100 build

    Even if Windows 7 was 100% the same as Vista SP2 some people have it so engraved into there heads that Vista just sucks.

    You could give them a laptop with Vista SP2 and they would use it for a few minutes and say it sucks. You give them Windows 7 with the "new looks" and they will be like WOW this is great. Even if beyond the eye candy everything was the same it is not going to change what people were already thinking.

    Windows 7 is going to be a win. No chance left for Vista even if us users on this from like it like myself lol.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 366
    Win7 x64

    What fight?
    I run both and will continue to do so, and when Win7 goes rtm I will install that and continue to dual-boot. Best of both worlds.
    Vista32 SP2 6002.17506.090313
    Win7 x86 Ultimate 6.1.7077
      My Computer

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