Pre-Beta M3 bits Time-bombed

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    Pre-Beta M3 bits Time-bombed

    Posted: 22 Nov 2008
    The Pre-Betas delivered at PDC and WinHEC 2008 are timebombed to expire in January 2009

    "Work continues on the development of Windows Vista's successor, Windows 7, and the operating system has managed to jump a few build numbers from the end of October 2008. At the Professional Developers Conference 2008 in Los Angeles, Microsoft served Windows 7 pre-Beta Build 6801 to participants, while demonstrations already featured Build 6936. However, since that point in time, the company has also evolved past the Windows 7 M3 Build 6936 showcase bits.

    Windows 7 pre-Beta 6948 is already being tested, as Microsoft is making its way to the first fully fledged Beta of the operating system. Senior Vice President, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, Steven Sinofsky, has already revealed that the Beta version of Windows 7 is planned for the start of 2009. In fact, the pre-Beta M3 bits delivered at PDC 2008 and WinHEC 2008 are time-bombed, and set to expire in January 2009. The expiration date remains in place independent of the slmgr method to prolong the initial grace period of Windows 7 Build 6901, or using valid or leaked product keys to activate the bits, or one of the cracks that have started to circulate."


    Windows 7 Build 6936 and 6948 on Windows 23rd Anniversary -
    NormCameron's Avatar Posted By: NormCameron
    22 Nov 2008

  1. Posts : 31,250
    Windows 11 Pro x64 [Latest Release and Release Preview]

    Thank you Norm,

    To be expected, as it is a pre-beta, just hope it will keep going till they release the public beta although I'm sure that by the time it runs out later builds will be available. :)
      My Computers

  2. Posts : 104
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64-bit

    So offical pre-beta available in January? Sounds great!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 1,402
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    A full Beta!
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 12,364
    8 Pro x64

    Anyone else getting the feeling that the 6801 build is starting to feel....meh?

    (only because I know I'm missing out on new stuff )
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    the timebomb has been cra***d (only 32 (damm why 64 why???))

    *****search in google**** 
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27
    Windows 7 Ultimate 32-bit build 7000

    Eh, so what if it timebombs, I want a later build anyway, and at the bottom on the comments one guy in convinced that it expires in July 09, not Jan.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 576
    Vista X32. Windows 7 32bit
    Thread Starter

    waymack91xj said:
    Eh, so what if it timebombs, I want a later build anyway, and at the bottom on the comments one guy in convinced that it expires in July 09, not Jan.
    You are so right. The "time-bomb" is meaningless except for those pour souls who download pirate software. How many of them are running Vista Beta's as "genuine" Vista.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,402
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64

    When all these 'wake up' calls happen, I would love to be a fly on the wall..... what a mess. Glad I am not going to have to do some cleaning up.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 2,899
    Windows 7 Ult x64(x2), HomePrem x32(x4), Server 08 (+VM), 08 R2 (VM) , SuSe 11.2 (VM), XP 32 (VM)

    waymack91xj said:
    Eh, so what if it timebombs, I want a later build anyway, and at the bottom on the comments one guy in convinced that it expires in July 09, not Jan.
    well hey according to the activation it the key expires on aug
    but either way i want to use the public beta instead....
    i want to see what optimizations they made...
    and see if anything else is broken...
    I WANT
      My Computer

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