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So, i installed the windows 7 build 6956 in VirtualBox and recorded the boot screen and desktop, hope you enjoy!
Sorry my boot screen loaded slow, i need to upgrade my RAM
The Video:
Here are 4 ScreenShots
I also uploaded the video to youtube at:
Higher-Res Youtube:
Hope You Guys Enjoy!
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but its not just that the only thing that was changed...
well i think you know that smarteyeball...
but its a nice change from the boring vista (man i tried longhorn and rc1) and was surprised that there was NO
anything is better than the vista bootscreen
yes i am a sucker for eyecandy (except for my server... security all the
but i LOVE the 6801 and 6956 bootscreens....
wish they both would be part of the end product (only one can
oh, there's no doubt that the Vista logo is boring :)
The 6596 logo is still an improvement either way, just not as 'Wow' as I thought it might be. Then again, it is only a boot screen
I'm going to have to get around and try porting the 6801 loading bar to Vista, if it's possible because I like that too. Nice and simple, yet slightly candy-ish.
yes good luck on that
i would love to so see how that goes out
contact me when its finished or when you are testing...
Unfortunately due to Vista's limitation, an animated 6801 logo may not be possible
The closest I came was to finding a static image which just made th PC look like it had frozen
I'll post if i have any success, but it's not looking promising.
Very nice to see, thanks for the video. But definately get some more RAM, what are you on at the moment?