Top Shelf Assembly
lol yeah, every time they go on sale at Canadian Tire I can't resist purchasing just a few more... You never know!!! (Zombie Apocalypse clamp attack!)
Thanks Sam The Techie!
Ha, seriously. That should be a famous quote
With the first phase of the top shelf all solid and dried, I could continue on to the two side pods. Here's the initial mockup.
Notice the pencil lines for the biscuits I'll be installing.
Those biscuits are so dark and moody... lol!
Aaand, some gratuitous clamping shots. Like that extra-long setup? Yeah, that worked this time, but I don't recommend it. It wasn't too stable, but there wasn't really anything else I could clamp on to for that end-pressure required.
Mmmm glue.
So that's it for this update, I know it's a pretty simple one, but hey, it's one more phase done. Just needs to have some trim stuck on and then staining!
Have a good weekend!