Testing and Cable Management
Thanks PwnFrnzy, after doing a bit of searching around that's the conclusion I came up with as well
Very cool Corpsecrank, what kind of wood will you be using?
So - it's been another few busy weeks, so apologies for the no updates. Have been enjoying those last rays of sunshine before the summer ends!
I think I mentioned last update that I tried to boot up the Asus DSFC-DW board but had issues - here was the attempt:
I got a green LED to light up (Standby power on the motherboard) but jumping the Power ON pins had no reaction whatsoever. Tried it with a different videocard, re-seated the RAM and CPU's, but still no luck.
Moving onwards - since I un-mounted almost everything, I decided to keep the copper heatinks instead of the aluminum ones for the other motherboard. I also picked up a pair of these units from Rosewill via Newegg:
They should do nicely for my hard-drive racks. I would like to mount them like so, except higher up:
Unfortunately, they are deeper than the cabinet I built. At the time, I was thinking maybe they would stick out of my air intake window, and I would just build-out the section of the door with the air filter... Not exactly what I had in mind initially though.
With most of the major components in place, I decided to start tackling the cable management with some cardboard templates, and then some 1/8" plywood:
At this point I was a little frustrated with how slowly this portion of the project was going. Things weren't quite fitting the way I had planned, and they were not looking as nice as I would have liked them to...
Maybe it's time for some thinking instead of doing.
I decided (In hindsight, unfortunately) to go ahead and mount the hard-drive racks so I could get some better measurements and ideas of how to manage the cables nicely.
Installed the fans and started to route some of the cables
Took out a handful of old SATA cables... (Yes, let's not forget, that I'm a computer tech first, and a carpenter second, or maybe even fifth or tenth...)
And had fun connecting all the bits and trying to get them in a reasonable state of organization
Ugh... this will not do, this will not do at all. Might as well boot it up and see if everything works though (I had mounted and un-mounted the board several times, banged around a few things, etc, so might as well see if it's all still working!)
This would be the first time I see if all the fans work as well. Keep in mind that this is with the door removed.
Until next time.. still not quite sure what I'll be doing next.