Looking really good. I like the faceplate with the start button and stuff.
Thanks Lordbob75!
I must first say, i've been following this thread for some time and I'm really impressed with your work and the ammount of detail going into this!
That really looks good but you could take the facia's off the optical drive and card reader, prime them up and spray them with the same spray used on the surround for a colour match?
Unless you wanted to keep the logo's and lables...
Thanks, that's a cool idea and I may consider that!
Hey ulti getting better and better and looking at the drives looks like my metal back maybe an option. Have you tried costing some checkerplate from say a box trailer manufacturer? I'll go back and have a look at the dimensions and price it out here - that might bring me back to Earth perhaps - any mates in crash repair places that may be able to help you out?
Now I am trying to dream up something to do with a cooling system from an old fridge hmmmmm
Ooh, another great idea! Thanks! I think what you're talking about is a phase change cooling system?
Wow, with all those SATA cables there, it sure messes things up, no?
I went ahead and threw in my current video card (Radeon HD5770, which kicks some pretty decent butt still). I'm sure I'll see an improvement from my P4 3.2!!!
And here's the magical moment. It looks like it's already been tweaked around a bit. Running at 3.2Ghz instead of 2.8Ghz, RAM speed up to 1600Mhz... Hey - nice temps! That's only a few degrees over ambient! (It's chilly in the basement)
Only one major problem with this setup... Can you see what it might be? (Well, ok, there's more than one thing not "ideal")
That might cause an issue. I also don't like the way the heatsink exhausts all of its hot air directly onto the back of the video card, so off to the local computer shop!
This should do the trick:
Much better. Fits almost like it was meant to be.
Looks real good there actually. I think the wide fin spacing will be an advantage as well, since there is going to be a lot of general air flow throughout the cabinet.