Thermaltake level 10

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  1. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10
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    linnemeyerhere said:
    Thermaltake says this design is ATX so I don't believe you have any chance of squeezing in an extended ATX board. I recently found this case on sale and have considered before but in the end reading the reviews turned me away. Still I like the design and think with a ton of smart consideration you could wire this clean. I would get the case first then plan on measuring all the lengths with string so you can get an idea for ordering the proper length sata cable and a molex pin tool so you can alter the power cables back at the PSU to the just right length. Tons of work but when you're done you will have one bad ass looking case inside and out. Also with the low pro H60 cooler from Corsair you should be able to sealed water cool this bad boy as well. I say go for it but plan on lots of time and effort getting it just so!

    It seems every time I ask a question you always seem to give the one I want. Thanx, the only thing that bothers me is the atx board,I have a e-atx board,and the next board I wanted is also e-atx(asus rampage III black series). And the new gigabyte boards are even bigger than e-atx...As far as I know you can't get a GOOD(and I mean Freaken Brilliantly powerful) atx board, Please correct me if I am wrong,but that is still a problem. But I like the idea of hard work on it...makes it more personal,and at least I can keep my corsair H60

    Oh,I can't seem to give you rep,something about spreading it around first. But thanx
    Last edited by Alsisgevat; 22 May 2011 at 14:21.
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  2. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10
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    BUT, I GOT THIS PIC OF A Thermaltake forum,the thermaltake guy was clear and later a bit rood,but some guys asked if they can fit the Asus rampage 3 Extreme into the level 10,he kept saying: no,Only atx, not bigger! Then someone actually bought the case and asus rampage 3 extreme,and he said it all fitted,the thermaltake guy then said again only atx,any bigger will cover up the wire holes and that the guy that said he fitted it must have been lying and if he realy did it,then the wires must have been messed up in a bunch.... then the other guy posted this pic( all credit to him,i only place the pic to prove a point he made)

    That is the asus rampage III extreme,with what seems to be the biggest gfx card I ever seen with a soundcard under neath.

    The Thermaltake guy just replied only atx as he did before,but then after that he said Nice rig man and then no one spoke again...
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    On Thermaltake's site the Level 10GT seems to have addressed this and water cooling in a much larger platform. And please kill the rainbow lighting scheme please. But it specs to take the e-ATX platform. I would call TT with the exact dimensions of the mobo and ask, my worry would be the stand off placements but if the mobo will fit then you could likely drill and tap for the additional stand offs that need. Is there a reason the GT won't work?
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  4. Posts : 1,438
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    Not yet in S.A,so could't find out allot about it,plus it does not look like the level 10,it is basicaly my case but allot newer,if I switch it would be to a case that looks nothing like my old one. And what rainbow lighting shceme thing should I kill?
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    Not sure which case you're referring to but the one on your profile doesn't look like this !
    Thermaltakeusa*»*Chassis*»*Level 10 Series*»*Level 10 GT : Level 10 GT VN10001W2N
    Larger and fully half the price if not more, likely steel vs aluminum but unless you plan to LAN party this baby which if you did I wouldn't let it out of my sight.
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  6. Posts : 1,438
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    I know what the level 10 gt looks like,and it is not on my profile,the case on my profile is thermaltake's kandalf va9000. What I meant was the gt looks like the rest(It is a box shaped case,with a few extras).My case (kandalf) is a box case,full aliminium,light and supports e-atx. So if I get a new case it would be something like level 10,that looks like no other case in the world. That is my hole point, I wanted a case that very few have,most wan't and that does not look like a pc case,so I thought of the level 10.

    And what rainbow light shceme should I get rid of?
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 6,885
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mint 9

    How does this :

    Look anything like this?

    Or this?

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 11,424
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64

    The mixed color flash mode on the GT10 is hideous and i should know cause my Element V black edition does the same stupid thing and is the most childish 70's disco light scheme........I did that once don't make me do it again, lol.
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  9. Posts : 1,438
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    If you read my previous posts you will see that I said it is STILL A BOX CASE,the gt looks like any other box case but with a few xstras,my case or any other case is still a box case,the normal level 10 is the only one that looks like no other case! The GT IS STILL JUST A BOX CASE WITH FANCY EXTRAS.

    Oh,yeah I saw that the gt can go green OR blue OR red OR one color mashed 3sum,but I agree, Would keep it only 1 color,most likely red,cause the rest of the case has red standerd lights. But the normal level 10 does not seem to have the rainbow effect.

    But kinda got of piont, atleast you think it's a good case,and I like the fact that you can "fit" e-atx in it, just wished thermaltake thought of it then. Maybe coolermaster will make a case in the lines of the normal level 10,to show how it is supposed to be done?
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 6,885
    Windows 7 Ultimate x64, Mint 9

    Alsisgevat said:
    If you read my previous posts you will see that I said it is STILL A BOX CASE,the gt looks like any other box case but with a few xstras,my case or any other case is still a box case,the normal level 10 is the only one that looks like no other case! The GT IS STILL JUST A BOX CASE WITH FANCY EXTRAS.
    Well alright. Doesn't really look like it to me, but I guess I can see that.

      My Computer

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