Show Us Your Rig [3]

  1. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    lmao! u got too much money lol.
    i just realised i only have 7 months to build my daughter a rig for christmass so i need to get my bits so she can have some of mine she can have my ram, cooler then i will get 16GB of corsair vengance, a H100, ssd and a corsair ram cooler. dunno what im gonna do about my second gpu tho as im not gonna be able to get it this year. they are not in stock at the moment anyway. not that i can find. will either try after xmas or wait longer n just get 2 new cards. this one is only months old now tho. terrible dilema's lol
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    My problem is I just added 3 evga hydro coppers to my cart,but thats just for a maybe, will see what happens later on. You should get her a white NZXT chassis, and respray it pink, I saw one like that on the web and it looked awesome!!
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Alsisgevat said:
    My problem is I just added 3 evga hydro coppers to my cart,but thats just for a maybe, will see what happens later on. You should get her a white NZXT chassis, and respray it pink, I saw one like that on the web and it looked awesome!!
    would be nice and as much as id like to she's only gettin a cheapish AMD build in a £50 case. she's only 11 and just wants to surf n play some games. she's got a lappy and consoles lol. i just cant think of anythin else to give her at xmas. she has pretty much everythin. alot more than i did as a kid lol. they got it good now ent they

    when u say coppers, u mean cards and backplates?

    edit: googled
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Nah search google for evga hydro copper gtx680, then you"ll see :)
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    thats what i searched first and got the card and block for £599 each EVGA launches GeForce GTX 680 Hydro Copper - Graphics - News -
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Yeah, its just easier to get them as a allready set waterblock, i am still strugling adding my mlock to the card
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    yeah i know what u mean. mlock? im lost when it comes to water cooling
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Haha, that was a result of too fast typing on my phone, i ment water block. Hehe
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

      My Computer

  10. Posts : 9
    Windows 7 Professional

    Hi, this lot is rather old now:

    Im buying a GTX 670 soon when they get released later today, not fully decided on which one yet, but think I want this:

    Galaxy GTX 670 GC and KFA2 GTX 670 EX OC 2GB Editions Pictured |
      My Computer


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