Show Us Your Rig [3]

  1. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    nice lookin rig Terronium. fairplay
    it took me ages to find the cup after i seen the comment lol. why's it there? secondly where r ur other fans for ur rad? not enough room?
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x64

    Nope, not enough room. Although when I was taking the pictures not too long ago it looks like I actually can fit another 120 to the left of the center on; the right is a no-go as the optical drive blocks it.

    As for the cup it's there to keep the DCII from being weighed down by the girth of it's own heatsink. You'll also notice a bracket/brace underneath the Sapphire card for exactly the same reason. I'm thinking of just letting them hang because I've seen plenty of pictures of builds with cards falling under their own weight, but I've yet to read a single post (or report for that matter) of it causing any kind of damage.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    same ere i wanted to do push/pull but not enough room for the second set of fans

    as for u drooping cards. my 6950 droops a bit to the right so i use one of these Scythe Ninja Wire helps you to secure objects
    does what its says on the tin
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 545
    Windows 10 Technical Preview - x64

    That... may be the best thing I've ever seen.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    ZaLiTH said:
    Nice.. Well, if it's also a soft metal like aluminium, if you get bored with the 'plain plate' as you say, this might come in handy: Guide How to brush Aluminum - Forums. I'm pretty sure the technique used there will work for most types of metal.
    Thanx thats a great tut.

    Terronium- Nice rig!
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    Terronium 12 said:
    That... may be the best thing I've ever seen.
    lols ideal enit if u dont mind the wire hanging in ur case.
    i have it hooked in the top and then hook it to the power cable of my gpu. no chance of shorting anythin then
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig [3]-new-board-1.jpg  
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    You Guys and your wires and cups, Just get a chassis with a 90 degree motherbaord and then you have no problems with heavy cards
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 3,118
    Win7 Home Premium x64 SP1

    lols. ent got the amount of funding u have
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,223
    Win 10 x64 Pro x64 / Ubuntu 15.10 x64

    Haha.. I'm fine with my current cheap aluminium case. Besides, I can't afford the fancy cases to hold the fancy graphics cards that I can't afford at fancy angles, so I suppose you could say I can't afford to have a weight problem in my PC. Well, not just yet anyway...
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Haha, not yet? And its not about affording, because the silverstone Raven has a 90degree mband ot is at some stores in S.A cheaper then the Haf X's hehe, but you can allways put your cards on a diet and take off the cooling wont last as long but will be lighter
      My Computer


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