Show Us Your Rig [3]

  1. Posts : 24,479
    Windows 7 Ultimate X64 SP1

    essenbe said:
    Alsisgevat said:
    Haha, I've seen what people here can do with photo shop, I wont even upload a pic of me. Next thing you know she's on the cover of some non forum friendly add... And aren't you a little old to be looking at pics of other guy's girls?... (joking)
    We're just old, not dead. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
    Good point Steve.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    essenbe said:
    We're just old, not dead. Just because you're on a diet doesn't mean you can't look at the menu.
    Hehehehe, yeah but she is 20 (high five) and to you that would be like looking at the kiddies menu...

    Anyway, Steve you gave me a reason to post pics of my rig Again, and seeing as no one wanted to see my new ram, It worked out great,haha.

    Here are pics of Anti-frees I added to my loop, reasons- Steve, and his debate on corrosion (thanx mate) Unfortunatly I could't get the light blue or clear ones,so I am stuck with the green, but The white tubing hides it

    Anyway,temps are up with 2 degrees(because it's thicker then normal distilled water,but it took out the air bubbles and prevents corrosion so win win)
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Show Us Your Rig [3]-1.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [3]-2.jpg   Show Us Your Rig [3]-3.jpg  
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    Alsisgevat said:

    Anyway,temps are up with 2 degrees(because it's thicker then normal distilled water,but it took out the air bubbles and prevents corrosion so win win)
    That rig is just ......
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Yeah I agree the green makes me feel sick too
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 15,026
    Windows 10 Home 64Bit

    Alsisgevat said:
    Yeah I agree the green makes me feel sick too
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    Alsisgevat said:
    Here are pics of Anti-frees I added to my loop, reasons- Steve, and his debate on corrosion (thanx mate) Unfortunatly I could't get the light blue or clear ones,so I am stuck with the green, but The white tubing hides it

    Anyway,temps are up with 2 degrees(because it's thicker then normal distilled water,but it took out the air bubbles and prevents corrosion so win win)
    What ratio did you use water/antifreeze?
    60/40 to 50/50 is normal for an automobile but that is to prevent overheating by increasing the boil point of a pressurized system and freezing.

    90/10 to 95/5 should be sufficient for corrosion resistance.
    I think 95% distilled water and 5% AF would be optimal.

    Mostly curious on your mix ratio.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Around 10%. Depending on the loop size I seen people generally use around 15% But seeing as you can use pure antifreeze as coolant I get the fact that you can't add to much, it just gets thicker,but I added some separately to distilled water,mixed it,then filtered it into my res,so it may be less then my intended 10% haha.
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 6,349
    Windows7 Pro 64bit SP-1; Windows XP Pro 32bit

    That sounds like a good compromise.

    When AF turns the water color you have corrosion resistance.
    Algae is no longer a problem.

    You can add too much. No more than a 50/50 or it turns to jelly if too cold. Not likely in a PC I realize.
    It does make it harder on the pump at 50/50.

    So 10% should do well.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 1,438
    64bit Windows 10

    Yup,but the water is so green I won't know haha, but that's what the 2 silver killcoils are for
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 2,240
    Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit

    My question is; is there a manufacturer for anti-freeze specifically designed for computers?
      My Computer


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