Intel speedstep is supposed to drop the frequency to 1.6GHz at idle and light usage. When you stress the CPU it jumps up to where you overclocked it. Ivy Bridge is designed to be overclocked by the turbo speed, similar to Sandy Bridge.Try running Prime95 for a while with CPUz and your temp monitoring program open and see what it does, but it should not go down to 800Mhz. I would also suggest leaving the bclk at 100. Raising it will help overclock the CPU, but it also overclocks the PCIE and ram too. I have raised mine too but just for benchmarking and such, but it runs at 100 for every day use. The CPU is a lot tougher than many people realize. As a last resort, I would try to reflash bios, to see if that would help. I had to do that to mine once, but for different reasons.