Post Your Overclock! [2]

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  1. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    Intel speedstep is supposed to drop the frequency to 1.6GHz at idle and light usage. When you stress the CPU it jumps up to where you overclocked it. Ivy Bridge is designed to be overclocked by the turbo speed, similar to Sandy Bridge.Try running Prime95 for a while with CPUz and your temp monitoring program open and see what it does, but it should not go down to 800Mhz. I would also suggest leaving the bclk at 100. Raising it will help overclock the CPU, but it also overclocks the PCIE and ram too. I have raised mine too but just for benchmarking and such, but it runs at 100 for every day use. The CPU is a lot tougher than many people realize. As a last resort, I would try to reflash bios, to see if that would help. I had to do that to mine once, but for different reasons.
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    Use Core Temp. But, that's better than an RMA of the board. Real Temp caused my Sandy Bridge CPU and P67 board to do some funky things. Event viewer kept showing cores shutting down due to heat. It was not happening. It took a while, but I realized that the errors were showing up when I opened Real Temp.
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    I got such a fright, I dropped back to Auto voltage and I'm installing a new windows lol.
    I have core temp and I love it, but it don't seem to keep the right voltage, according to
    Asus's monitoring software in AI Suite.
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    It does not show voltage, it shows VID which is something different.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Sorry, i meant temps, not voltage. I find the temps are all over the place with core temp
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    I have always found Core Temp to be pretty accurate. It does differ from the Asus suite, but I don't know if it is true, but I've read that Asus is giving Tcase temps and Core Temp is giving TJ max temps, which are always going to be different.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 2,973
    Windows 7 Professional 64bit SP1

    The AI Suite that comes with the Z77 Sabertooth does not show temps correctly.......unless they have fixed it in an update. Also, I find my core temps vary much more when idling, sometimes as much as 8-9*C, but when stressed, all cores level out and are usually within 2*C of each other. I use RealTemp 3.70 and AIDA64, both show temps and both are usually dead on.

    Also, if you are fiddling around in the BIOS and saving on exit and the change isn't showing up on a restart try this: Enter BIOS> Load Optimize Defaults(F5 I believe)> Save and Exit(F10)> SHUT DOWN. After you shut down, POWER DOWN your system completely....unplug the power cable from your PSU, and hold the Power On button until the green LED on the mobo goes out. Clear CMOS (If you need help on this step for this motherboard, let me know)> Start back up and go back into BIOS> Load Optimized Defaults again. After performing these steps, you can go into Windows and make sure your system is running correctly and displaying the right values. Then, try out some BIOS changes and see if they are displayed correctly in Windows.

      My Computer

  8. Posts : 12,177
    Windows 7 Ult x64 - SP1/ Windows 8 Pro x64

    Good advice, above.

    If that doesn't fix the problem, un-install all the AI Suite programs.
    Have seen all motherboard programs, not just Asus, cause a lot of problems. In the BSoD forum, we recommend to un-install them if we see them and it does help in a fairly large percentage of cases.
    If there is no difference you can always re-install them, though I wouldn't recommend it, there are a lot of programs that will work better.
    Having said that, nearly all monitoring programs have issues on new released boards/chipsets, they usually get fixed at some point.
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Seem to be having a new problem now. FFS it shouldn't be this difficult to have new stuff.
    Now i can't get my volt down. stuck at 1.45 V
    Even when set on auto clock!
    think i'm gonna flash back the bios

    Thanks guys, I'm gonna try resetting the bios and see what happens.
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 27,065
    Windows 11 Pro

    There's always problems with new technology. It takes a while for the developers to catch up. The price you pay for having the newest gadgets. It seems like sometimes, when you set something for a while, it sticks there. That's why I had to flash my bios again. I flashed it to the same bios version and be sure to set optimized defaults after flashing. Also, to me, setting Vcore to auto is like saying take all you want. It will almost always overvolt more than needed. Just my opinion.
      My Computer

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