Post Your Overclock! [2]

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  1. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    essenbe said:
    I have always found Core Temp to be pretty accurate. It does differ from the Asus suite, but I don't know if it is true, but I've read that Asus is giving Tcase temps and Core Temp is giving TJ max temps, which are always going to be different.
    Not always true my HWMonitor and Core Temp are the same as the ASUS monitor I have running if any difference it is 1c-2c if any but to me they are dead on

    if you look at my cpu /mb temps and my v-core they are dead on

    Actualy you are right Essenbe that it does do funky things on certain boards can't denie it but i don't see much of a diffence
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Post Your Overclock! [2]-compare.png  
      My Computer

  2. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    That's how I see it too. lol
    I have flashed my bios to the newest one (one I already had).
    Everything seems ok now, going to try oc'ing now, leaving my voltage around 1.25 V
    I should get 4.2 at least
      My Computer

  3. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    rodpgfx said:
    That's how I see it too. lol
    I have flashed my bios to the newest one (one I already had).
    Everything seems ok now, going to try oc'ing now, leaving my voltage around 1.25 V
    I should get 4.2 at least
    That's the ticket

    Like me and Essenbe stated it is dead on and should be pretty accuarate
    if it comes out funky could just be conflicting programs

    Also keep in mind slim down on the Monitoring Apps you use

    Some of them produce debunked results

    Just keep with the basics we use around here ,I used speed step one time and it told me my system was temps that should be mars like ,everyone knows it would have been on fire some of these programs were made a long time ago as well
      My Computer

  4. Posts : 27,027
    Windows 11 Pro

    Solar, AMD has only 1 temp sensor. So, any program that reads it should be the same, or very close. That's why core temp only gives you 1 temp. Intel is different.
      My Computer

  5. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    essenbe said:
    Solar, AMD has only 1 temp sensor. So, any program that reads it should be the same, or very close. That's why core temp only gives you 1 temp. Intel is different.
    Yeah I understand that but he should know the cores will show different from each one but they shouldn't be that far off from each other either

    if he is reading the MB /CPU sensors then it should be dead on like my example if he is refering to core temp then I appologize
      My Computer

  6. Posts : 27,027
    Windows 11 Pro

    Well, the truth is, I don't know. But, The software in the Asus suite reads 1 temp, which at least implies, that it is showing Tcase (the temp in the center of the CPU). Core temp and real temp and other programs are reading TJ Max, the temp of each core. They can differ to a large degree. I have 2 Sandy Bridge CPUs and have/have had 3 Ivy Bridge CPUs. All of them have had 1 core that was 10C lower than the other 3. The cores are close at idle, but under stress, 1 core is 10C lower than the other 3. I've heard some explanations, but how true they are, I have no idea. Just like I read that the AI SUITE reads Tcase. I don't know if that is true, but it does just give 1 CPU temp. Just my 2 cents.
      My Computer

  7. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Yeah, and I have heard AI Suite cases a lot of problems with AMD setups while running. I hope it runs good with intel. I love the program
      My Computer

  8. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Actually, the part of AI Suite I love is thermal Radar.
    It's part of AI but installs independently.
    So far, so good.
    It came with my board, and is on the ASUS site :)
      My Computer

  9. Posts : 7,466
    Windows 10 Home Premium 64bit sp1

    rodpgfx said:
    Actually, the part of AI Suite I love is thermal Radar.
    It's part of AI but installs independently.
    So far, so good.
    It came with my board, and is on the ASUS site :)
    what chip are you really using
      My Computer

  10. Posts : 30
    Windows 8 pro 64 bit

    Do you mean processor?
    I have i7 3770k
    right now i'm running it at 4.6 ghz at 1.25V and thats far enough for me :)
    Not that up on overvolting everything.
    Would like to learn though
      My Computer

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